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  • Hello, As I'm an amateur, can you tell me what "ASO3 system utilities " is? ASO3 is a system clean up software utility/manager called Advanced System Optimizer 3 (google it), and it turns out that the system protector software (anti spyware) bundled with ASO3 was causing conflicts with the BD antispyware or something at…
  • Hello Ross, It may well be that you have solved my problem!. On checking I did indeed update the graphics driver - on 29th Feb, from version 295.73 to 296.10. After rolling back to the old driver things improved dramatically. I timed startups from off and from restarts, and it showed good/acceptable levels - without…
  • Hi Edd Sorry for the delayed reply. Since we are not allowed to assist you via PM, please note that I've used your email address(the one that you used to register on Bitdefender Forum) and I've created on your behalf this ticket ID: 201203171007651 I will send you further instructions via email in about 20 minutes. Take…
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