and no answer. well **** it, im uninstalling it and i dont care if the license i paid for still has 200 days to go. im able to install linux servers and run encripted vpn networks in them and i cant work out false positives and exclusions on this software. seriously frustrating software, someone should be fired.
even turning off bitdefender it is not letting steam replace the file, stating a write error (ive seen this before with another file, bitdefender wouldnt let me delete a file or copy over it manually, but at that time i could just use another directory and ignore the issue) so what now, should i just uninstall bitdefender?…
the firewall section of TS 13 is not recognizing network adapters in windows 8. been using bitdefender total with windows 8 for almost 2 months now, its fine here. perhaps some specific incompatibility with your network adapter.