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  • It's sad to see people abandon a great security app due to attention to issues. I battled and reported that problem for 18 months; I tried every recommended trick in the book. I continue to use BD on my laptop--using up my subscription--but not my main desktop. I needed more control and stability with my security on the…
  • It is frustrating. I dealt with support a couple of times and gave up. The forum has been more helpful. To your point, the forum reveals ongoing themes and ignored issues. It does not take much to spoil a good thing. I continue to use BD on my laptop--smaller footprint and resource needs--but was forced to use Norton for…
  • Bitdefender's settings password option is compromised anyway. I've been chasing a related problem for over a year: Bitdefender, or something, will change the state of a setting even though the password option is active. The setting in question is Firewall, Alert Mode. It will deactivate itself without a prompt for the…
  • Update: Unfortunately, I spoke too soon. Although less frequent, Bitdefender continues to disable firewall Alert Mode, thus, covertly diverting my choice to permit or block applications. In this case, it will bypass the security option of a password required for settings modifications. That is a huge no-no for a security…
  • Scott, Just following up. Your ideas seems to be working. Since I applied a password, the firewall alert setting has not changed. That is the longest I remember that the setting is stable. Thanks again for your suggestion. The support did not recommend that option. Thanks again.
  • Scott, That is a great idea. I will give that a try. It makes enough sense for me to have some hope. I'll keep you updated. Much appreciated. `mark
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