

  • Sorry, nope, it doesn't work in Windows 8. Should this work with Windows 8.1? I'm thinking maybe of just uninstalling the whole program, even though I paid. Just too many annoyances and it's a pain to shut it all down each time I need to work on editing videos and graphics, which is mostly what I do. Thanks
  • Should this work with Windows 8.1? I'm thinking maybe of just uninstalling the whole program, even though I paid. Just too many annoyances and it's a pain to shut it all down each time I need to work on editing videos and graphics, which is mostly what I do. Thanks This works if you've already activated Wallet but want to…
  • Have you considered turning off auto-scan? Then set a schedule for when and what type of scan you want. OF course you have the constant warning that your system is unprotected if you disable auto scan. I tried running a manual scan and gave up after 5 hours at 26%. I have never seen an Anti Virus program so slow and…
  • Even though I disabled a few things, I have removed it from my laptop, I can stand it no longer, ... I'm about to reach the same conclusion. I recently purchased it but don't like it at all. I'm on a gaming laptop and it slows to a crawl quite often and the only thing I've changed it ###### Bitdefender AntiVirus Plus. I…
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