

  • almost a week and still no answer from the developer..??? for hy1, maybe you can say, this official forum of BitDefender kinda useless... there's so many problems with the 2011 products and still the BD developer won't fix it... I already tried to contact the BD developer with support ticket and still no answer/response…
  • Dogurasu, I would suggest using the BD removal tool to completely remove all traces of any previous BD installations. The tool can be downloaded from HERE. EDIT: Then reboot after the uninstall and run a trusted registry cleaner like CCleaner and only remove any registry entries that may be found related to BD. Be sure to…
  • looking at the vast amount of problems it might have been wise to call it a beta No save settings in firewall real time protection off as default intrusion protection off as default cpu hogging unscheduled virus scans i havent seen the forum this busy since the last major cockup with Trojan.FakeAlert.5 in March please BD…
  • make sure there's trial options at this time... downloading now... some note: my ISP is ###### ###### in here.. only 30 KB/s... take more than 2 hours for downloading only for an AV? Why BitDefender AntiVirus 2011 so huge compare other AV? Avast just 69 MB, Norton only 88 MB...
  • I find it from someone weblog which is provide the direct links as yours... still no trial options in the installation wizard... why you dont provide it in the download page for easy download without the downloader...
  • Very disappointed...!!! Why you don't provide the trial as default to download.. Other AV's provide all installer with trial period without register anything... Is there any offline installer for that? I really hate with the downloader... Big size of installer make me sick..!! just for an AV??? better fix it...
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