

  • Same - Invalid Key
  • I did have them backed up, on a drive, which was hooked to my computer at the time, which was also deleted by BitDeleter. And about your first question. It would have cost them 420$ to do my computer, they told me it was 200$ to do it, and I needed the disk (Which I had to buy) I LoL'd when you said this, sorry but having…
  • After using bit defender for many years and recommending it to every person that brought their computer to me to fix I have become very disappointed in the quality of this AV program. This latest version seems to randomly crash and require a restart to get it working again every once in a while. Back in the early 90's I…
  • My dear fellow Bitdefender users, Could we be a little matur.e about this? Some people have suffered more than others and there should be a good compensation. Bitdefender will (I guess) make everyone (most of us) happy (I hope). I lost 14 hours myself of figuring out, checking 15 PC's and repair. Situation before…
  • I really do think it was difficult to redo all the stuff for the BitDefender Support. HOWEVER, I find it completely unacceptable, that nothing was written on the site, or nothing was sent immediatly after users noticed this... Would it mean that the support is slacking ? I find it quite funny, and BitDefender can be now…
  • Well for someone that dont know computers very well you sure went to formatting quick. Guess your not a computer expert. LOL I can bet alot of the people complaining are using a cracked product as well, the way they just change instantly to another product is amazing.
  • Try uninstall BD and go with alternative product. After BD zapped my system, System Repair fortunately worked on my next start-up and I have my machine running again. I dont trust their so-called patches. So right now I'm uninstalling BD and switching to another product like Avast. lol Avast, have you done any research on…
  • I totally agree with the thread title. BD is the best security I've used. I switch from Norton which took 4 hours on live chat support to get installed. We use McAfee at work and people regularly get malware. We have a corporate PC at home that has Symantec corporate security and SyGate security, and in the last month got…
  • Hey FanBoy, if your Toyota accelerator gets stuck and smashes your car into a wall, once its repaired are you going to get back in it and drive it on the freeway? If you do, I agree, you are stupid and have no sense. Lol, well it all depends if I was killed when it hit the wall.... If I was not, and they fixed the issue,…
  • Wow... could you be any ruder?! So its fine that they all abuse BD staff, but when someone defends BD its classed as rude? so be it then. Yes I highly doubt he called support at 2am in the morning, that is if his clock is right.
  • Cant fix stupid is right, and your stupid. I have used every viral program out there in the last 15 years or so, and Norton used to be a solid product, solid being what the sales rep would tell you, now after many reviews, Norton are on the bottom of many top 20 lists with mcafee. Funny how Stupid made BD the best on the…
  • There was obviously a break down in communication somewhere, and I am sure they will resolve it, making BD even a better product as a repeat of this kind of error should not happen again if they review the protocols that are in place at present, making it a stronger product again, allthough it allready is the best, admin…
  • Click on the links my friend and see when i posted the 2 problems. Explain me why the same problem repeat again? I clicked on your links, but it wasnt in english so I could not read it
  • When you pay for something you want that the company selling it to actually test it's product. Also once a problem is reported it shouldn't repeat the same problem. Surprise, I'm reporting again the same problem. Why? Cause noone is able to update the versions of some software... Quick fix? You are joking. Someone that had…
  • I doubt your attitude to this situation would be the same if you like me had to pay to get this problem fixed. Which I think many more people may have to do aswell. It can be seen that they did not test this update. A mandatory stage of ANY release of software fix/patch/update whatever you want to call it. Is my…
  • typical society of mindless people, mistakes happen, it was easy to fix, get over it. If you dont like it, dump bitdefender, and go buy Norton and see how many more issues you will have. If you read the terms of service, you will understand that things like this are covered, as you allready agreed to it, wait you didnt…
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