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  • Hello. Iam still having problems with 1 of my computers regarding the sality virus. No matter what virus software I install , be it spybot , superantispyware , Bitdefender , avast all have been disabled by the virus and cannot run. I tryed malwarebytes which managed to do a scan and found the problems relating to task…
  • Below is scan log of usb stick BitDefender Log File Product : BitDefender Antivirus 2009 Version : BitDefender UIScanner v.12 Scanning task : Contextual Scan Log date : 23:56:26 21/10/2008 Log path : C:\Documents and Settings\Norbert\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Profiles\Logs\contextual\1224629786_1_00.xml Scan…
  • Out of curiosity i used windows exlorer instead of the drive icon in my computer to open usb drive and was able to open contents of drive using explorer. Did a scan of the drive with BD and it said it was clean , mybe it is something else that is causing the open program with box to appear when i try to open drive from my…
  • Hello thx for prompt reply Do want a scan log of the usb drive or the main drive of my 1st computer I cant give you a scan log from 2nd computer as bit defender wont start up. thx
  • Hi. The symptoms you describe are exactly the same has mine , on my system bitdefender says it is the W/32 Sality virus. Iam still trying to control it has it has infected all of my computers, its a nasty virus and hope you get it sorted soon
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