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  • After my 5 scans I finally got my computer running awhile ago, but now I notice my computer is running at a turtle speed. I think it was 2817 of 2819 infected files were deleted when the scans finally worked, and I could delete the files finally. I Googled a few things, is Bit-Defender what's slowing my PC down? I really…
  • Windows 7 x64
  • I've ran a few more scans, and 2 of the scans took almost 9 hours, with nothing done about the infected files. I still can't log into my computer normally, and still running scans. And the finish result is: Ok you ran the scan but we aren't going to delete the infected files. Wth is the point of running the scans if…
  • Don't you get the boot options screen? Maybe you can take a photo of what you see on boot up and post it. Not, I don't get any choices on reboot, it just won't let me do anything. So I took my comp to the shop, hopefully they'll find a solution.
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