bdparentalservice.exe / Parental Service Not Enabled; Running; Hogging Resources
bdparentalservice.exe is running on my machine. I didn't ask for it. I have no child profiles (all children are adults). And yet, there it is. What is it doing? Why is it there? Is this BD proprietary malware/spyware? If any one machine in our license group uses it, do all get it? My battery is very unhappy, as am I. How…
Installer Hangs at 93%....
Today, BD 2018 continuously attempted to start following continuously experiencing a "fatal error." (auto messages sent to BD). So, I uninstalled, and reinstalled BD Family. The reinstall process worked (download, install, scan, login to account) up to the point shown in the attached screen capture. There it appears to…
Wrong Wallet (version)
Don't know how this happens, but about 25% of the time BD loads a wallet that is not current, one that includes outdated credentials. The only way to correct this appears to be to reboot my computer. The wallet shown in firefox is the same as that shown opening the wallet from the BD app directly via "My Wallets" or "Open…