Bitdefender Free : Fewer Detections Than Paid ?
Hi I have BitDefender Free on my PC (Windows 8 64bits) and when I verify malwares files, BDAV doesn't find anything in 50% of case. But when I search these malwares files on virustotal or with Jotti, BitDefefender knows already these files as malwares ! WHY ? Is there a difference between the free and the paid version ?…
Free Version Less Performing Than Paid For The Detection Of Virus / Malware Recent
Hello, Can you tell me why the free version of BitDefender discovers / blocks few new malwares unlike other antivirus (such as Kaspersky, Comodo, etc) or BitDefender (paid version) ? is there a difference for the detection level between the free and paid versions ? kind of heuristics in addition to the paid one ? further…
Build changes include: - IPM (In-Product Messaging) popup is now considered read when closing with “X” button - fix IPM appearing as unread even though it had been previously read - other small fixes
HI, Today, I have a new version What are the news ? Thanks a lot. could you update the list of the différents versions please ?
New Version
HI, Today, I have a new version What are the news ? Thanks a lot. NB : could you update the list of the différents versions please ? here : http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=40736