Bitd Repair Installs Malware
BitD was disabled by a previous attack & now periodically can update but cant run any OnDemand or Context scan. Doing a Repair restores the malware to its worst state: all rt-clk is disabled, any input field(wordpad,..) is slowly filled with '~'s, and Tab key is used repeatedly to move focus of input. I repeated what I did…
Bd Ok Of Install Exe Doesnt Mean Much
Contextual scan on MediaTubeCodec_ver1.668.3.exe was clean but upon executing it got Trojan.FakeAlert.TF installed in multiple places which disabled all hotkeys, BD, & Explorer(how did they do that?). As of Thurs, was still trying to get u to d/l MediaTubeCodec_ver1.668.3.exe . This trojan is well done from both a…
Bartpe Plugin
I found BartPE plugin at http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/desktop/bartpe/en/ but since I had NO success in 4 wks burning Rescue CD I thought I'd get some input (works?, gotchas?) here b4 diving into Bart again. Your help is MUCH appreciated. Thanks- bye- Larry
Plz Rescue My Rescue Cd
I d/l iso file, burned it to cd which booted but all that's on desktop is cd,terminal emulation, rootkit & others that appear to be help files. NO start button/NTFS drives options so cant get it to scan anything. I have all NTFS parts C to H + 1 hidden part(I dualboot XP) + USB2 drive. Your help is MUCH appreciated.…