Autorun Virus/trojan
Hello This file is infected my PC and Bitdefender couldn't detect it. Rar pass: infected Please add it to your virus definition. Regards Any actions? Is that file a virus/trojan/worm/... or not? /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3376" data-fileid="3376" rel="">autoplay.rar
Another Autorun Virus
Please check this file. It gives me a headache. /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=19801" data-fileExt='zip' data-fileid='19801'>g.rar.zip
Virus Undetectable By Bitdefender[solved]
This trojan is detected by Kaspersky as Trojan.Win32.vaklik.cjd and Trojan-gamethief.win32.onlinegames.slva. But Bitdefender cannot detect it. Rar pass: infected /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2560" data-fileid="2560" rel="">amvo.rar