Connected To Internet But Can't Access Modem
I am trying to access my modem interface via a browser. I am connected to the internet so clearly the modem is working fine. However, when I type in the modem's IP address, the connection times out. I have tried this in both Chrome and Edge with the same result. I have added a Network Exception in Firewall-Adapters, but…
With Mobile Router: Ok, But On Home Wifi: Not Working
I have spent over a week with support, but they seem to have given up on me, so I'm seeking help here. I have Bitdefender Total Security 2016 on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (Surface Pro 3). Bitdefender works fine when I'm away from home and using my mobile router. However, on my home wi-fi, BD blocks my internet connection, so…
Outlook 2013 Add-on Missing After Windows 10 Update
My Windows 10 system just underwent the November update (Windows 10 Version 1511), and now the Bitdefender Outlook 2013 add-on for identifying spam is missing. How can I reinstall it?