[bdfw] Error: Bdprprocessfirstirppacket Failed With Error Code C0000225.
I saw this error in the bdfirewall.txt file. Wondering what to do about it. 2014/09/07 17:21:51.924 [bDFW] Error: BdprProcessFirstIrpPacket failed with error code c0000225. Also, when I run Bitdefender from the CD, it always finds this: Object '/run/media/livecd/E0108FCC108FA7DC/System Volume…
Worm + Found With Emergency Disk
(I posted this in the anti-virus free edition section and was directed here.) I ran the emergency disk and it found a worm and another item (can't remember). I looked for the results in the (free edition) logs but it wasn't listed. I was wondering where to find the logs? Also, although I was able to disinfect the worm, and…
Worm + Found With Emergency Disk
I ran the emergency disk and it found a worm and another item (can't remember). I looked for the results in the logs but it wasn't listed. I was wondering where to find the logs? Also, although I was able to disinfect the worm, and rename the other, I'm wondering if more should be done? I usually will run the emergency…