

  • As a general remark: It is irritating that the only software that almost always are causing users an headache at installation time are the BitDefender products. On my PC, no software has been more installed, un-installed and re-installed as the BitDefender Products ! Besides, not one single version the Uninstall-tool was…
  • Thank you Niels. One can even disable the game mode at the same menu, if wished.
  • Hello shilo, Also your license only start to count from the day you registered it. You are welcome. Best regards, Niels It means that as long as you have a trial version, you can use it FREE ! It has the same functionality as a licenced version ! Unless you need direct support, don't rush to register and wait untill the…
  • G’Day Folks, - License Expire issue .../... The common mistake entering the key numbers and alpha characters is the 0 –v- O (Zero –v- Oscar (Oh) Oscar = Phonetic Alphabet) .../... pcbugfixer I have told BitDdefender about this ... ages ago !!! I suggested not to use anymore neither zero neither letter O , but it seeems…
    dans License Expired Commentaire de Merel février 2008
  • thanks but you have totally missed the point and what you say is not true either. Please only comments from people who know of this situation living in forien countries. I hope BD's webmaster is taking notes too. I have been facing the same problem. It was very very irritating... and I notice it still is today ! Even if…
    dans English Not Spanish Commentaire de Merel janvier 2008
  • QUESTION N°2 FIREWALL SETTINGS FOR HOME NETWORK WIRED TO ROUTER Please if you answer ... just type QUESTION N°2 (on top of your text) Thank you for any simple guidelines directly related to the problem described underneath. Firewall settings are not an easy task for many of us. Unless one is a network administrator or a…
    dans Firewall Settings Commentaire de Merel décembre 2007
  • @ Michel ROEKENS In deze topic;#entry16222 wordt de "thumb" aangeklikt om het beeld te vergroten (kijk onderaan in de topic). Nadat de thumb is aangeklikt verschijnt hij groter maar het beeld blijft wel op dezelfde pagina ! Men wordt dus niet doorgeschakeld naar een andere…
  • Hello Merel .../... We, the Moderators, make an effort to move topics where they belong, but we cannot make miracles (we're just volunteers, we don't work for BitDefender, and we're not available 24/7). So if you don't like how it's organized, don't blame us, because we're doing the best we can to keep it clean and tidy.…
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