My operating system is XP SP3 (Traditioncal Chinese). After updating virus pattern a couple of hours ago, BD2008 reported some important files under C:\WINDOWS\system32 and their duplicates under C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache are "infected" and "REMOVED"!! They are totally 17*2 files. I am affraid my system cannot boot…
I am running windows vista 64 bit and have bitdefender 2009 my computer one day did not get past loading screen after logging in so i restarted in safe mode and for some reason it started normally after that.. except for the fact thatno program can run except for windows explorer and 1 or two other smaller programs, they…
am facut sper ca e bn cum lam facut Da, a fost perfect! L-am semnat ca si: "Backdoor.VB.BPG" Mersi de sample!
bonjour!! Kaspersky on line vient de me trouver un fichier malveillant : Trojan.Win32.Qhost.hi dans le dossier C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc !!alors que ni bitdefender ni MVC ne l'avait trouvé! Pourtant d'après kaspersky ce virus est connu depuis 2006!!!!!! Comment m'en débarrasser? Merci d'avance! Put the "hosts" file…
Bitdefender already detect this: "Trojan.Downloader.VB.VON"
First rename this file: "C:\heap41a\offspring\MicrosoftPowerPoint.exe" to something like "MicrosoftPowerPoint.vir". DO NOT execute this file. Then submit to Bitdefender labs the contents of this folder "C:\heap41a" (including the previos mentioned file) and wait for feedback.
Send this files to the BitDefender labs: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dla\tfswshx.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32\ssqpm.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32\vksmsrtw.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32\youwlhyv.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32\tbscghbv.dll c:\documents and settings\finesse\local settings\application data\ktipfomdg.exe C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\youwlhyv.dll
Singura folosire "legitima" a acestui packer esta la comprimarea demourilor grupului Farbrausch. Daca se intalneste cu alte utilizari (crack-er, keygen etc.), este suspicios. In acest caz trebuie trimis fisierul respectiv echipei de analiza, si nu trebuie rulat pe calculator (eventual doar intr-o masina virtuala gen VMWare…