Bonjour Bloopis, A ce propos, mes collègues aimeraient de nouveau se connecter à distance sur votre système pour tester et valider le correctif qui a été développé. Merci de me communiquer vos disponibilités par message privé. bonjour, dispo si nécessaire pour tester le correctif. Al1
Bonjour, problème identique sous windows 7 / bitdefender 2013 et sous windows 8 / bitdefender 2014 ça marchait parfaitement avant que j'installe bitdefender .... ça marche aussi avec un autre ordinateur sans bitdefender. Donc le problème est bien du coté de bitdefender. A votre disposition. Al1
Herman, you need to chill. ANY & ALL antivirus software & antimalware tools can have a false positive! There's an option for all of them to allow the user to check the files to be sure first for a reason! you have right, all antivirus could have false positive, but all antivirus don't move in quarantine thousand of windows…
So BitDefender is blocking my svchost.exe . Anyone know how to unblock it? stop immediatly the time real antivirus, and after go to antivirus -> quarantine -> click on the svchost.exe an try to restore. After, you can try to kill the process, normaly it will re-start automatily.
Is there any ETA on a fix from BitDefender? Also - I have disabled the real-time protection and am now trying to restore the hundreds of system files that have been moved to Quarantine, but each time I get a message saying "Failed to find the specified path. Please review the previous operation and try again". The message…
I think people are jumping the gun here though. If the files are quarantined, they can be restored when a fix is applied. But if you have it set to auto delete stuff, you are being foolish. yes, but if you restart your are dead ...
hello All, I have the same issue. Bitdefender move a lot of windows / system32 files in quarantine. When I restart the computer, impossible to start Windows. So, I restart Windows from a ghost image. Windows start correctly. Bitdefender update its database and start the samething !!! I stop the antivirus and restaure the…