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  • ICMP (ping) request still blocked when firewall is on
  • Upgraded my Dell E6310, BD seemed not to be present/working so I used the removal tool and downloaded the newest version and installed it. Worked fine for some hours until suddenly no internet. Last update showed "today" meaning the last update broke the firewall defaults. I had to set my network type to trusted, stealth…
  • new bug even with stealth mod off i don't manage ton ping any website...
  • seems like i have to disable the stealth mode in order to get internet again :
  • The Firewall is blocking evry thing even the bitdefender updates : No internet connexion when the bitdefender firewall is activated...
  • The installation finaly work. But when i enter my multi-device email / password it don't use my already bought licence but a new one : Web View : And as you can see i already have a multidevice with 300 day left :
  • I Have founded Install Links for Windows 10. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINKS, COPY THEM: omg even the link they give is wrong... seems like their developper made a copy past without changing the href of the <a> tag... Thanks for the tips will try this right now
  • I have the final today release of windows 10 and i get the exact same error. BSOTD and i also tried reinstall / repaire etc.. I had to uninstall bitdefender using windows safeboot (shift + F8) because it was chain booting to a BSOTD screen. Is there a win 10 setup exec file somewhere ? Because i have the windows 8.1 x64…
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