Gen:trojan.heur.564e44? File Incriminated Nil32.dll
Hi! Got this so called Trojan bloked as I tried to load Civilisation III from Infogrammes. I know it cannot come from the game, as I have reinstalled it, and BDF still blocks it. I think it is a false positive, but I cannot do anything about it as the "suspicious" file is created at the application launch. Therefore I…
Nil32.dll Detected As Gen:trojan.heur.564e44
Civization III blocked by BdF. http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showforum=104 http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showforum=108 Thanks for the help, and please advise which post I should keep, and which I should erase. Bst Rgds, Chris
Nil32.dll Malware?
Hi! I've been using this software for years (Civilization III from Infogramme/Fireaxis/2K Games) without any problem. As of a bit less than a week ago, it is blocked at launching by BdF, with a virus detection Gen:trojan.heur.564e44 concerning the NIL32.dll, which is I believe a false detection, but I could not fond…
Possible False Detection, Or Real Malware
Hi, I have this program showing up as possible malware , but desinfection is impossible. [system]=]HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-73586283-706699826-1801674531-500\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\INTERNET EXPLORER\TYPEDURLS\url1=]C:\PROGRAM FILES\WINDOWS TRUST\RESSOURCES\MS.TFRAMEWORK.EXE It is named MS.TFRAMEWORK.EXE in the Windows…
Bdf Tourne En Rond Sur L'analyse Rootkits
bonjour, au delà des multiples petits pbs auxquels j'ai trouvé des parades d'usage, je suis confronté à l'impossibilité de faire mes màj sans arrêter l'ordi car un process de BDF tourne toujours alors que barres de taches et gestionnaire de tâche indiquent analyse inactive. solution? merci
Protection En Temps Réel (p2p Et Fichiers À L'accès)
Impossible obtenir analyse fichiers en continu sans raison particulière. Fonction corriger ne fonctionne pas (cliquer ne produit aucun résultat), paramétrage bon. Que faire? Merci de vos réponses.