Virusul ăsta e prea shmeker, bitdefender nu-l devirusează, nu-l sterge, nu-l mută etc.
Ataşez ultimul Report.
Ce să-i mai fac?
Te rog spune-ne calea spre fisierul infectat.
0 -
Te rog spune-ne calea spre fisierul infectat.
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Infected: Trojan.SwfDL.A0 -
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Infected: Trojan.SwfDL.A
Scan path : C:\
Folders : 2858
Files : 83734
Archives : 691
Packed files : 5827
Identified viruses : 1
Infected files : 2
Warnings : 0
Suspect files : 0
Disinfected files : 0
Deleted files : 0
Copied files : 0
Moved files : 0
Renamed files : 0
I/O errors : 26
Scan time : 00:18:55
Scan speed (files/sec) : 73
Spyware Statistics
Memory processes scanned : 33
Memory processes infected : 0
Registry keys scanned : 290
Registry keys infected : 0
Cookies scanned : 2220
Cookies infected : 0
Spyware files infected : 0
Spyware threats detected : 0
Virus definitions : 963543
Scan plugins : 16
Archive plugins : 41
Unpack plugins : 7
Mail plugins : 6
System plugins : 5
Virus scan options
[X] Scan boot sectors
[X] Scan archives
[X] Scan packed files
[X] Scan email
File mask
[ ] Programs
[X] All files
[ ] User defined extensions:
[ ] Exclude extensions: ;
Infected objects
[ ] Ignore
[X] Disinfect
[ ] Delete
[ ] Copy to quarantine
[ ] Move to quarantine
[ ] Rename
[ ] Prompt user
Second action
[ ] Ignore
[ ] Delete
[ ] Copy to quarantine
[X] Move to quarantine
[ ] Rename
[ ] Prompt user
Virus scan options
[X] Enable warnings
[X] Enable heuristics
[ ] Show all files in log
[X] Report file: C:\Program Files\Softwin\BitDefender9\Logs\vscan_1199535849.log
Spyware scan options
[X] Memory Processes
[X] Registry keys
[X] Cookies
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Infected: Trojan.SwfDL.A
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Disinfection failed
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Move failed
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Infected: Trojan.SwfDL.A
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Disinfection failed
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Move failed0 -
Scan path : C:\
Folders : 2858
Files : 83734
Archives : 691
Packed files : 5827
Identified viruses : 1
Infected files : 2
Warnings : 0
Suspect files : 0
Disinfected files : 0
Deleted files : 0
Copied files : 0
Moved files : 0
Renamed files : 0
I/O errors : 26
Scan time : 00:18:55
Scan speed (files/sec) : 73
Spyware Statistics
Memory processes scanned : 33
Memory processes infected : 0
Registry keys scanned : 290
Registry keys infected : 0
Cookies scanned : 2220
Cookies infected : 0
Spyware files infected : 0
Spyware threats detected : 0
Virus definitions : 963543
Scan plugins : 16
Archive plugins : 41
Unpack plugins : 7
Mail plugins : 6
System plugins : 5
Virus scan options
[X] Scan boot sectors
[X] Scan archives
[X] Scan packed files
[X] Scan email
File mask
[ ] Programs
[X] All files
[ ] User defined extensions:
[ ] Exclude extensions: ;
Infected objects
[ ] Ignore
[X] Disinfect
[ ] Delete
[ ] Copy to quarantine
[ ] Move to quarantine
[ ] Rename
[ ] Prompt user
Second action
[ ] Ignore
[ ] Delete
[ ] Copy to quarantine
[X] Move to quarantine
[ ] Rename
[ ] Prompt user
Virus scan options
[X] Enable warnings
[X] Enable heuristics
[ ] Show all files in log
[X] Report file: C:\Program Files\Softwin\BitDefender9\Logs\vscan_1199535849.log
Spyware scan options
[X] Memory Processes
[X] Registry keys
[X] Cookies
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Infected: Trojan.SwfDL.A
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Disinfection failed
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Move failed
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Infected: Trojan.SwfDL.A
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Disinfection failed
C:\Documents and Settings\Win Xp\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\PFND3134\battletanks[1].swf=>[sWF command] Move failed
In order to remove all infected objects from your computer you need to
the following steps:
1.Disable BitDefender Virus Shield.
2.Clear your browser cache.
3.Enable the Virus Shield.
Below you will find complete instructions in terms of how to perform
the above
[How to disable the Virus Shield or Real Time protection]
In order to disable the Real Time protection please open BitDefender,
go to
'Antivirus' -> 'Shield' and click 'Real Time Protection is enabled';
message will change to 'Real Time Protection is disabled'.
[How to clean up your browser cache]
The infected objects were detected in your browser cache. Please read
following KB article for complete information on how to clean it up:
Liderul tuturor timpurilor
Categorii de discuții
- Toate Categoriile
- 2 Știri și bloguri
- 10 Subiecte generale
- 2 Securitate pentru companii
- 4 Sugestii și idei pentru produse
- 12 Alte produse și servicii
- 19 Central & Abonamente
- 16 VPN
- 14 Mobile Security
- 2 Mac
- 39 Windows
- 1.3K Protectie utilizatori individuali
- 949 Arhiva
- 199 Discu355ii generale
- 199 Discu355ii malware
- 6 Discu355ii spam 351i phishing
- 58 Produse
- 49 Sta355ii de lucru
- 1 Unix
- Servere windows
- 3 Protec355ie enterprise
- 5 Mobile
- 487 350tiri