As vrea sa raportez un site fake care vinde pantofi Rieker
Fake site selling Rieker shoes
They do not belong to the original site
I have a paid license for Bitdefender Anivirus Plus
But the Bitdefender Anti-tracker browser extension does not report this site as fake … -
Hello @mateiacd and welcome to the Community.
Thank you for raising awareness of these websites, however, I'm not sure exactly what actions can Bitdefender take here.. In terms of security, Web Protection (Online Threat Prevention), is designed to scan all web traffic and block any malicious content – infected URLs, untrusted web pages, fraudulent and phishing links. Whenever you try to visit a website classified as unsafe, the website is blocked and a warning is displayed in your browser. The warning contains information such as the page URL and the detected threat. So, Bitdefender blocks websites that are classified as unsafe, and fake websites usually fall into this category, since they may contain various types of threats. I think for the websites you've mentioned above it should first be determined if these are legitimate resellers or not, as in some cases vendors may have affiliate websites that sell their products. In my opinion, this should be further reported to the original vendor. Kindly be advised I have removed the screenshots from your post, since they displayed personal data and this is a public forum, and it is not recommended to share sensitive information here.
The Bitdefender Anti-tracker extension is designed to increase your online privacy and reduce the time needed for websites to load, by hiding your activity from trackers. It prevents websites from tracking you online, but it doesn't report fake websites.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
0 -
1) A friend using a license of Bitdefender Total Security has been alerted that the web site is fraudulent.
2) The two sites I have mentioned are obviously fake, just check the SSL certificate and the whois directory.
3) I have already contacted the legit Rieker web site
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 12:03 PM
To: Ianas, Diana d.ianas at rieker dot net>Subject: Website Contact Request
Buna ziua 1) Site-ul riekerromania va apartine sau este fals ? 2) Am comandat sâmbata seara doua perechi de pantofi si plata cu cardul era tot in "asteptare" 3) Si nu acceptati carduri VISA , doar Mastercard?!Answer:
On Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 12:13 PM Ianas, Diana <d.ianas at rieker dot net> wrote:
Buna ziua,
Nu ne apartine acest seit
Cu stima
Diana Ianas1 -
Please see the image below:
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Hello and thank you for following up.
I understand. In the event of an incorrect detection on Antivirus Plus, you can use the form available at the link below to report this to the Bitdefender Labs. The security researchers will then analyze the website to improve and enforce overall detection. Please note we cannot remove the website ourselves.
You comments were pending approval due to the short interval between posting. This forum is equipped with various security layers designed to prevent spamming.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
1 -
Hi !😃
I will check out this site with Bitdefender Scamio !
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VirusTotal results
SSL checker results
This is weird; if the websites are scam/phishing, the SSL checker shows that both websites have authorized genuine certificates.
Norton Safe Web Results (both websites are malicious)
Bitdefender Scamio results
As of now, I am unable to open both websites. Even after changing different IPs via VPN, I am getting the same error.
@Alexandru_BD can you check if you are able to open these two websites or not?
RegardsLife happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
0 -
Here's my result for seems to be working.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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My take was, can you disable the protection and see if the website is opening or not? Is it also showing you the same error as it is showing to me in the above images?
Also, have a look at the Scamio results above. It is the opposite of what the Bitdefender product detects. Lol, I guess Scamio also features the web blocking engine that is in Bitdefender products. If yes, then this is weird.Regards
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
0 -
The creators of the site do not know the romanian language well :-D
If you click the account symbol in the top right corner, the hint says "Logout", even if you haven't logged in yet :-D
Clearly it is a scam.0 -
Yes, by the looks of it does not seem the real deal..
@Flexx I can't disable BEST protection. But I can try in a VM with TS. I have reported the links for Scamio as well, we'll get it to learn these shoes are fake 😄
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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When Scamio mentions a list of known databases, it refers to the websites categorized by web protection if it is integrated into Scamio. However, whether it is integrated or not, the question remains: are both Scamio and web protection blocking interchangeable links? lol 😂
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
0 -
"Scamio combines artificial intelligence with Bitdefender’s exceptional threat-detection algorithms, machine learning, pattern recognition, and advanced data analysis techniques to identify even the most sophisticated scams." So, this means it also learns along the way, right?
FYI, for Scamio feedback:
Now, I hope we didn't hijack @mateiacd's thread here. 😅Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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Salutări !
I-ați ciuruit pe cei cu site -ul rikkerromânia fals !!!😁
Ce măsuri legale considerați că ar trebui luate, ce organe ar trebui sesizate, și ce măsuri ar trebui luate pe linie de legături pe internet ?
Toate cele bune !
0 -
Salutari @Cristian Dumitru,
Cred ca in cazul unui site de phishing, primul pas ar fi raportarea catre autoritatile relevante si bineinteles instiintarea entitatii impersonate. Mai departe, acestia pot lua masurile necesare pentru a pentru a investiga si inchide website-ul fraudulos. Masurile de precautie pe care le pot lua utilizatorii online pentru a se proteja de site-urile de phishing includ:
Verificarea adresei URL a site-ului web vizitat, mai ales atunci cand este necesar sa fie introduse informatii sensibile sau la efectuarea tranzactiilor online. Criptarea HTTPS este importanta, iar numele domeniului trebuie sa se potriveasca cu site-ul web al furnizorului legitim.
Atentie la e-mailurile nesolicitate, in special la cele care solicita informatii personale sau masuri urgente. Este recomandata verificarea autenticitatii adresei de e-mail a expeditorului si evitarea accesarii link-urilor sau descarcarea atasamentelor din e-mailurile suspecte. Este valabil si pentru SMS-uri sau alte mesaje primite in aplicatiile serviciilor de mesagerie. Am observat o crestere a SMS-urilor de phishing, in special cele care pretind a fi trimise de la posta sau firme de curierat, in care recipientii sunt "anuntati" ca un colet a fost oprit in vama, sau ca nu poate fi expediat deoarece sunt necesare informatii aditionale. Aceasta este o tactica de phishing binecunoscuta si creeaza sentimentul de urgenta, pentru a-l determina pe recipient sa acceseze un link, unde datele sale personale vor fi compromise.
Nu in ultimul rand, este necesara utilizarea unei solutii de securitate, fiindca aceste programe ajuta la detectarea si blocarea incercarilor de phishing si a site-urilor rau intentionate.
Pe langa masurile de precautie recomandate, este important sa ramaneti vigilenti. Astfel, puteti reduce riscul de a deveni victima inselatoriilor de tip phishing si va puteti proteja datele personale si financiare. Pentru mai multe informatii despre phishing, exemple de tactici, dar si masuri de preventie, recomand urmatoarele articole:
Cu stima,
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
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