

  • Check the "Wait for reboot instead of prompting" box, then click OK. It shouldn't ask again until you change the settings in Expert mode.
  • If disabling it solves your problem, then you should be alright, it's a false positive for sure. If you need to block websites or applications that connect to the internet, you can also use the BD Parental Control&Firewall.
  • Not sure if you can disable it for certain websites. You can however go to Expert mode -> Antivirus -> Custom level -> Disable scanning HTTP traffic.
  • Every AV provider recommends that you do not run multiple security solutions on the same computer, because they might, and probably will, interfere with each other.
  • claudiu, I think I found a temporary fix for Securelogin. Download (right click on "Add to Firefox" and choose "Save link as...") the extension and rename the .xpi file to .zip. Inside the archive, there is a "install.rdf" file. You will see something like this - "<em:maxVersion>3.0.*</em:maxVersion>". Put "3.*" instead of…
  • Bitdefender 2010 o sa fie compatibil cu Windows 7, insa deocamdata si sistemul de operare si solutia antivirus nu au ajuns la o versiune finala.
    în Windows 7 Comentat de Grunt mai 2009
  • Salut, imi poate explica cineva cum pot ajunge la sediul Bitdefender Iasi? Str. Sfantu Lazar, nr. 35. Venind dinspre Palat spre Podu Ros, la stanga pe langa BCR, si apoi tot inainte. E o cladire Solomon's langa o biserica.
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