Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition
Buna! Am decis sa incerc si eu noul antivirus gratuit de la BitDefender, mi se pare un lucru bun faptul ca este gratuit si din descriere pare destul de sigur. Ceea ce doresc sa precizez este ca, la fel ca produsele BitDefender 2012 exista o problema cu produsul aceea fiind ca incetineste viteza de navigare(incarcarea…
I'm Still Getting Portscan
Hello! I thought this issues has been fixed but now I'm still getting portscan from my two primary DNS aresses almost everytime I start Chrome. This is happening also when I load some pages I don't know if this happens on specific pages but anyway it is bothering me. When this will be fixed forever? Thank you! PS: After I…
Firewall Not Remembering The Path
Hello! Why is BitDefender firewall not remembering the path of the folder that I recently added a file to block/allow from it? I repeatedly need to show the path of the folder to select more files from that folder, why can't you make it remember the folder path so that is much easier to add more files from the same folder…
Bitdefender Bugs Untill Now
A section for posting threads about BitDefender product in general does not exist, so I'll post here. The bugs that I personally found untill now : 1.The Game-mode doesn't work as is should (doesn't automatically start when I play games), it should at least have a FULL SCREEN mode detection 2.Can't turn on the Yahoo…
Some Problems I Have
Hello, I want to mention some problems I have with the product Bitdefender Total Security 2012. Previously I downloaded on 27 July a version of it from http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/de...ity/2012/en-us/ and had some bugs with it like Autopilot button not working(when I disable it turns on automatically, high ping…
[resolved]windows Temp Folder Taking Huge Amount Of Space
Hello! Can you please tell me why since I installed BitDefender IS 2012 my temp folder has reached 30GB? i found folders named "bdcloud" and "tmp" and some numbers after those names and at the bottom some files called "bd5AEB.tmp" etc... what is that? It is normal?