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coolcool1227 ✭✭✭


  • As ONT pointed out this problem was already reported in 2011. His last post is now 6 month old and no solution? I should mention that my scan found several infections in thunderbird trash folder, two cookies and an exe-file which I had compiled myself with Visual Studio, so nothing serious. No need to go through millions…
  • Who will give more chances? Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen!)) What I mean from my previous comments that I agree with you that 0.00 % chances for implementation. Hello everybody, i have a problem mee too, this BD Antivirus Plus Beta 2014 after update, it come some error message. i don't understand why, it will…
  • Yes I have hotspot DNS You have to uninstall this for the proper installation of Bitdefender. Once the Bitdefender is installed , you can re-install Hotspot without any problem.
  • 0%) haha....I am 100% sure for your 0% , my friend.
  • Any chances to implement above suggestions in 2014 version?
  • Hi Kindly read and follow this article
  • Hi Valery I don't want to mention the reasons for whiah youtube is blocked here in our country, because it is off-topic. However many thanks for your video, although it is in Russian, but it seems to be showing Updates from the update button manually. But I am talking about updating manually from the weekly.exe or…
  • Hi Omer, video is available, or I did not understand you. Actually youtube is blocked in our country and I have to use hot-spot shield software. If possible kindly upload on some other server.
  • 1) That option is not available in the Firewall Module, may be availble in Parental Control Web Activity or in Antiphishing in Privacy Module. 2) The tool is already asked here, but there is no response from the Technical Support. They are as silent as their product on this demand.…
  • I did call suport BD hotline: Answer: "Definitly no bdc.exe any more, it has been removed because functions can be triggert by MyBitdefender online portal." I did not try by myself, but logging in to MyBitdefender needs online status and seems to be not practicable in case of virus infection!? Pls discuss... I could not…
  • Post here the snapshot of that message. Do you have installed Hot-Spot Shield software?
  • .......Without removing that, most novice users and, I believe I can safely assume, a large number of people considering themselves advanced users, would find that their system is not booting up properly after cleanup. This is not to say that advanced users wouldn't know how to fix a problem. It just means a large number…
  • I always appreciate Bitdefender's technologies since they were known by the name Softwin when they introduce behavioral detection technique for the first time since to the Rescue Mode integration and now Photon™ Technology. To my opinion, its is an adaptive technology which may send your hardware information to the…
  • I could not find Photon Technology implementation in Beta Version and ...... I am surprised how they will implement this without beta testing because even the beta testing product when finally released have many bugs that were also in beta stage and not fixed over time, then there comes another newer version along with new…
  • ........... I agree that this should be done advanced users, but can you go to meet us? ........... And why you do not agree to the Kaspersky Lab? they trust the users, or is it only in Russia?)) Hi Rampant Why you forget that this is a world of novice users, the era of trust worthy Advanced users is over. They have not…
  • When loading graphic shell automatically imported signature anti-virus database, then check for updates via the Internet, then start the scanner. Hi Valery You video is not available. I will share the method after seeing your video.
  • For About Blank issue read this article For Internet Connectivity issue in Rescue Mode, do the following and then try to scan from the Rescue Mode. 1) Disable wireless connection. 2) Enable only Ethernet Connection. 3) Update Ethernet Adapter drivers from Windows…
  • There might remain leftovers of the previous security solution How To Remove Previous Antivirus Traces And Re-installation Of Bitdefender, Detailed Procedure
  • Take Proper Action are taken the Bitdefender itself and can't be done by the user.
  • I would like to hear "TACHYON TECHNOLOGY" rather than to have "PHOTON TECHNOLOGY"
  • First of all Bitdefender Antivirus don't have Firewall Module, you may have Internet Security instead. And for your issue try to disable "scan http traffic" option from Antivirus Module and use the product in User Mode and also turn ON Paranoid Mode from Firewall Module. And also read the following topics…
  • Take a look at this thread especially the post # 11.
  • Hi Read this article
  • Anybody interested?
  • I do a "Full System Scan" three times a week (M-W-F) and the count of scanned items can vary from 287K to 2.1 million items. Why is there such variability? doesn't a "Full Scan" scan all there is to scan, every time? Thanks, Leighton I am interested to view the scan logs also. However possible reasons are 1)…
  • Possible Causes 1) It seems that AutoScan may not detect the resources threshold level properly. 2) If the AutoScan is ON and is running in background, it may stopped after sometimes (not at-once) even if you started to consume more resources. So you may have to wait for sometime. 3) Since it scans the file, so it may be…
  • I think they have removed the file named "bdc.exe". I could locate such file for command-line scanning in 2013. Also read this
  • Hi stkf10 It seems BD tech support is busy behind the scenes finalizing the 2014 version. You may have better luck contacting support by the other options provided here: Kind regards, Scott Very few staff members for Technical Support in such Top Ranked Company…
    in Helps Kommentar von coolcool1227 Juni 2013