BD subscription problems - Corrected question

Just renewed Total Security subscription on my desktop PC and android. However, on the BD Dashboard it shows "renew today only 1 protection day left" and in

BD Central it states "you have 1 active service" when really there are 2 active services: computer and phone.

Also is there a way to permanently remove the orange line on BD Dashboard stating subscription renewal still needs to be done.

I am confused as to whether BD subscription has been successfully added to my phone?

I do hope someone can sort this for me please. Thankyou.


  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @MiniBB

    My suggestion would be to get ahold of Support who can look at it from their end. Click on Purchase & Manage Subscription, go throught the prompts until you get to the Contact Support button. You will be shown 3 support options, Chat can be the quickest way to get things started or resolved. Phone support is not toll-free.

    Kind regards.

    All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.

  • Hi,

    Kindly be advised I have now deleted the duplicate thread on this topic. I have also removed the screenshot displaying your email address, as it's not recommended to display your personal email address on the public forum. You can of course provide this information to the Support representatives, in the event you wish to contact them regarding your inquiry.

    If it's Total Security you've purchased for renewal, then this protects Android devices as well. First, I would try the Switch Account option to sync the app with the subscription in Central again. Simply re-enter your account credentials in Mobile Security on your Android device, and make sure the device is allocated to the Total Security subscription / license in your Central account. You can find the steps in this article:

    If this doesn't solve the issue, then the Support teams can sort this out for you.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user