Downloads Continue After Cancelled Or Stopped

I have had this problem for ages, and never thought it could be caused by BitDefender 2010. I have reinstalled Windows 7 to get rid of the problem, and as soon as I installed BitDefender 2010 the problem returned.

The problem: Lets say I'm watching a 10 minute video on YouTube. The video loads half-way and I decide to stop watching and close my browser. My Bandwidth Monitor then reveals to me that something is still downloading, yet I have closed my browser (Firefox). If I'm downloading a 1MB file, such as an .exe file, and I use my download manager to download it, then the total bandwidth used is twice as much as it should be (2MB). It is as if, everything I download is monitored by BitDefender and even when I stop downloading it, BD still analyzes it. I have tried other browsers, different downloads... same problem.

Any help on this?

P.S. I currently DO NOT have BitDefender 2010 installed on my computer (I temporarily uninstalled it). I live in South Africa, and the Internet bandwidth we pay for is daylight robbery ... $10 for 1GB of cap. This is my main concern, as I'm paying a lot for cap that I did not intend to use. The installer I have is about 500KB and it downloads the files needed to install BD2010. So every time I want to install it, I have to download the ~70MB. Is there a BitDefender 2010 64-bit installer for Windows 7 that I can download once-off and use that to install it, so that I don't waste any more cap?


  • gdumitru
    edited January 2010

    Hi FriendlyFire,

    Here you have download locations of BitDefender:

    BitDefender Total Security here

    BitDefender Antivirus is here

    BitDefender Internet Security is here

    Hope this will help.

    Best regards!

  • Thank you very much. This will save me a lot of bandwidth.

    Anybody have an idea why I am getting this problem?

  • Hello FriendlyFire,

    Thank you for reporting this. The problem has been acknowledged by the BitDefener Labs and a fix will be released by automatic updates in one of the future releases. I don't have an estimated time of release at this moment.

    Until the permanent fix is released through update, you can try this workaround: Please follow these steps:

    • open BitDefender Security Center (Expert Mode)
    • go to Antivirus -> Shield and click Custom level
    • uncheck the options HTTP Scan, Scan Yahoo Messenger traffic and Scan Windows Live Messenger traffic and click OK
    • go to Parental Control and disable it, if necessary
    • go to Privacy Control and disable the Identity control module (the other ones from Privacy can remain active)

    Please post if this solved your issue.


  • I have done as requested and the problem is gone. By the process of elimination I was able to deduce that the cause was the Privacy Control (strange ... I would have suspected the "scan HTTP traffic".) I disabled cookie control, problem occured. I disabled ****** control, problem occured. I disabled Privacy Control as a whole, and the problem disappeared.

    Hope that helps speed up the release of the update.

    Thanks for the support.

  • crocobaurul
    edited April 2010

    Hi Cris.

    I have the same problem (and I have it for quite some time, about 1 year now , and yes ... I purchase the products). Luckily for me I don't watch to much YouTube or have to pay for extra mb of traffic but is very annoying.

    This workaround that you gave us is not compromising security on our computers?

    It will be solved soon?

