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Sprint Connection Manager & Air Card


I'm a reseller and have not had any luck with bitdefender support "hate to say it but I'm 4 cases back with no fix or help"

I can't get any computer to connect to the internet with a sprint broadband card using Sprints connection manager.

This is what I have done...

ANY OS, multiple platforms "I'm a computer store so I have many to choose from"

ANY OS XP, Vista 32 & 64, Win 7 32 & 64

Uninstalled in safe and normal mode.

Reloaded Sprint connection manager before and after clean install of BD 2011 total security.

Performed on bran new PC's

I have disabled firewall as well as real time scanning.

I have white listed ALL sprint processes with BD.

I set firewall to VPN and then set to full allow per support "I was told allow all on a broadband card was ok..... Seriously?"

If I uninstall BD internet works fine.

I am getting a connection with sprint, IP, subnet, DNS, ect... While BD is installed, it connects fine in both states BD on and off.

********* The only thing that will work ***********

Install 2010 BD total security. NOT 2011.

I have 4 cases with BD support, talked to the same guy over and over with a promise to help me. No emails back even after I sent all required files, screen shots and everything shy of a DNA sample.

Has anyone else had this issue as I have many clients that upgraded to 2011 and not can't use sprint connection manager.

I hate to say it but Usher promises tier 2 support that never happens....


  • Cire3

    Hello, BD tech ? Anyone ? I can't be alone...

  • Cire3


  • Hello,

    Sorry for my late answer, been out of the office for the past few days. I've created a ticket on your behalf and sent a workaround via email. Please let me know if the issue persist after you rename the BDFM.sys driver.

    Your ticket ID is: 201104091003325. Please check your associated email address and then confirm here or via email (both would be perfect) if the issue is resolved after renaming the above mentioned file driver.

    Looking forward to your answer and please accept my apologies for the delay. It was good that you PM me ( you should have done it earlier :) ).

    Best regards,