Slower Internet Speeds Using Bd Total Security 2012

Hi there

OK I am trying to get to the bottom as to why I appear to be getting slower than expected Internet Speeds. I work for the ISP that provides the connection so have access to all the relevant data concerning the circuit which is rock solid, syncs at 8MB with a normal throughput between 6.5-7MBPS

I know this because my Home Network has 2 x Media PC's and two laptops (One of which runs BD Security 2011)

Im running speed tests using which also runs a ping to nearest server which is constant (as expected) from all pc's, and also run pingtest using

Curiously all other PC's on the network have ping times around 5-40ms....however my main PC (Which is hardwired to the modem on the BT test socket) has a ping time of 200ms+....but more importantly at precisely the same time the test results for the speed drop from 6.5mbps to 4.5mbps when run from comparable pcs on the network.

I have tried switching off http scanning and disabled firewall which saw the speed increase - though ping remained constant.

Any other suggestions or ideas here?

I have also run MalwareBytes to see if there was anything else going on that BD was not picking up

I look forward to your help :rolleyes:

.......and for the record I have used BD now for 3 years and have tried others and personally I think BD is a great product.



  • nikki605
    edited August 2011

    Which MalwareBytes - the free version with on-demand scanning or the paid version with real time protection?

    I run the free version which does not conflict with BD without the real time scanning.

    One at a time, turn off/disable the various BD modules/options to see if you can narrow it down to one function. RTP, AVC, Search Advisor, Antiphishing, email scanning, IM scanning, etc.

    Which Windows OS? I am running WinXP Pro SP3 x86 (desktop cabled to router) with BDAV 2011 (which means without the BD firewall) with no slowdown problem.



  • rr1165
    edited August 2011

    Bitdefender Total Internet Security isn' t ready for "Prime-Time" on systems using XP Pro SP3. The Internet speed, especially upload speed, dropped like a rock. Tweaking got the download speed back to within 1MB of where it was using Bitdefender Total Internet Security 2010 - but - upload speed stayed at 1/10 of what it was prior to installing 2012. Yes, I used the removal tool, yes, I deleted (not stopped) all other active scanning capabilities. Uninstalled, 2012 and reinstalled 2010, everything is back to normal. Please make an announcement as to when this issue has been resolved so I can upgrade to 2012. Thank you in advance for acting to resolve this very important and irritating issue.

  • I just purchased ($70) and downloaded Bitdefender Internet Security 2012. I did considerable research and went ahead and took the plunge and bought it without checking it out on a trial basis. It had such rave reviews from all the so called experts. I haven't had it loaded on my home PC for an hour before I noticed what rr1165 pointed out, it drastically affected the upload speed capability (at least 1/10 less). It also lessened the download speeds.

    What a HUGE disappointment. Is there a fix out for this yet? I would appreciate any help at all.

  • I just purchased ($70) and downloaded Bitdefender Internet Security 2012. I did considerable research and went ahead and took the plunge and bought it without checking it out on a trial basis. It had such rave reviews from all the so called experts. I haven't had it loaded on my home PC for an hour before I noticed what rr1165 pointed out, it drastically affected the upload speed capability (at least 1/10 less). It also lessened the download speeds.

    What a HUGE disappointment. Is there a fix out for this yet? I would appreciate any help at all.

    I'm confused. :huh: You've posted about BD 2012 in the BD 2011 forum. Which is correct?


  • I'm confused. :huh: You've posted about BD 2012 in the BD 2011 forum. Which is correct?


    Yes agree with you there, I just uploaded a small attachment (67.3kb) to this forum on a ADSL broadband connection and I also noticed the woeful! upload speed took at least over 1.5 minutes to just upload a 67.3kb (you can see the attached file on my post at

    I ran BD total security 2009 for years prior to just recently upgrading to BD 2012 and never had much problems with the Internet speeds, but now since upgrading to 2012 I am having almost constant problems with the www slowing down and eventually my IE8 explore just freezes up and I have to shut it down with WinXP task manager.

    I'm not saying that it's all because of the new upgrade to BD 2012 as it may be something to do with an automatic security patch or something from Microsoft, but BD 2012 sure looks like a likely culprit!

    Hope you / we can all get to the bottom of this

  • I'm confused. :huh: You've posted about BD 2012 in the BD 2011 forum. Which is correct?


    BD 2012 as I stated in my posting. I confess I'm not savvy in these forums. Why would I be posting/downloading/commenting on 2011 when I just mentioned I downloaded it a few hours ago?

  • It appears, considering that multiple users have posted here, that this topic pertains to BD 2012. I am going to move this topic from the BitDefender 2011 Products>Slowdown sub-forum to the BitDefender 2012 Products>General sub-forum.


  • It appears, considering that multiple users have posted here, that this topic pertains to BD 2012. I am going to move this topic from the BitDefender 2011 Products>Slowdown sub-forum to the BitDefender 2012 Products>General sub-forum.


    That makes more sense :mellow:

  • I'm getting no where :wacko:

    I have now completely defraged and optimized my hard drive. I have also clean my registry files with "Wise Registry Cleaner" program I have.

    This has made the overall loading of the desktop and applications faster and smother but has made no difference to the ridiculously slow upload times I am getting.

    Ran about 6 upload tests on "" upload data = 206KB file, average upload speed only 4.5kb/s !!!!.

    I also tried turning of EVERYTHING (AV, Firewall, Anti-spam, Auto Update) in BD total security 2012 and it made no real discernible improvement to the upload test speeds.

    Only other thing I can think to do now is completely remove BD 2012 from my system (run some more upload tests) and then re-install a new download copy of BD 2012.

    What a great way to spend my time off from work time.....NOT! <_<

  • I am 1 000 percent sure ! that Bitdefender Total Security 2012 is the cause of all the problems that have been plaguing my computer over the last few months!!

    I have at this stage completely removed Bitdefender Total Security 2012 from my computer system and it's gone from acting like a tired old donkey, to a race horse ready to run the Melbourne cup! <img class=" />

    Heck! I didn't even know that my computer could run this fast !!!!! and smooooth.

    By removing Bitdefender Total Security 2012 I have also solved a lot of problems I was having with a wireless network link I have between my TopField PVR and the web based IceTV on-line interactive guide. All 3 parts of the network are talking perfectly to each other !

    I've gone from an average Internet data upload speed of 4.5 KB/s to an average of 27.58 KB/s on an ADSL(1) 1000/256 connection. Download speeds on the same connection are averaging 146 KB/s. Thats about a 600% increase in speed!

    Before I re-install Bitdefender Total Security 2012 i have also "bench marked" my computer overall performance using the "Performance Test 7" program (great program and free for 30 days)

    With NO Bitdefender Total Security 2012, Performance Test 7 gives my computer a "pass mark ratting of 1028"

    When I compare this rating to other very similar computers to mine (from an on-line data base of upload test results from around the world) my rating is not bad at all for an XP operating system :D Would have been much better if the CD player wasn't included in the performance test.

    So now to download a new copy of Bitdefender Total Security 2012 and do a new fresh install.

    I really hope that BD will run better this time, because overall I have always fully trusted BD to keep my computer "safe".

    BD has always done a great! job at what it is supposed to do a

    It's dam frustrating and disappointing that it kills! some (not all) peoples computers overall performance. :wacko:

    Will get back to here once I have reinstalled BD and update this post.... (fingers X'd) :)

  • I've lost my Race Horse and I 'm back on the Old Donkey again! :( (see my post above this one)

    I have just finished a complete new download and a fresh reinstall Bit Defender Total Security 2012.

    Now I'm now pretty much back to where I was before I begun the whole process. :unsure:

    My upload speed has reverted back to it's "squirt" flow of data, now back to an average of 5 KB/s.

    Ping rates are dreadful and download speed has slowed down. not as dramatically as the upload speed but still it HAS slowed down.

    Please see the attached file for your self (after I spend the next 5 minutes or so uploading it to here!)

    OK I checked it took me 42 seconds to upload this 35.4 KB file (from my computer) to this post....

    Thank the stars above it wasn't a few hundred MB's or I'd be an old man by now!

    post-72833-1315134816_thumb.jpg This attachment shows the speed test (for the Internet) AFTER I REMOVED Bit Defender Total Security 2012

    post-72833-1315136012_thumb.jpgThis attachment shows the speed test (for the Internet) after I RE-INSTALLED Bit Defender Total Security 2012

    A lot of web page reloads are now taking for ever to refresh (they weren't doing that when no BD was installed!)

    post-72833-1315136473_thumb.jpg Finally here is the last attachment showing a slow down in overall PC performance The results are after carrying out overall PC performance testing BEFORE and AFTER installing Bit Defender Total Security 2012. (42 seconds to upload this file)

    Also noticing that since re-installing BD that some times when following favorites link form my computer it will first display a blank web page the a screen will ask me if I want to "open or save this URL" :wacko:

    So there you go proof positive (well hard to argue with at least) that Bit Defender Total Security 2012 is impacting on my and other peoples operating systems.

    As my Internet speed is just to dam slow to upload all this to support page I would appreciate it if any of the board monitors here could draw tech supports attention to my post. I spent hours and hours trying to figure out why my system is running like a donkey and also took ages to find some sort of proof that I'm not just imaging things.

    Cya 4 now


    For the record my system is as follows

    WinXP service pack 3 (I wonder if this is the culprit?)


    CPU: Intel core Duo E7400@2.80GHz (x1)

    Western Digital Hard Didk with 783GB free space

    NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT Video Card

    2.5GB High speed RAM

    D-Link Modem/Router DSL-2642B

    Corsair 650W power pack

    ADSL(1) 1500/256kbps internet conection with

    Anti Virus Program......have a guess???

    PS: Tech support (or anyone else) if you read my other post about missing modules in BD 2012 Well guess what? There still Blo#@DY missing even after all this !!!

  • Well, I can see from the several posts in here that I'm certainly not the only one experiencing this problem with BD Total Security 2012. I've already contacted Tech support and am awaiting a reply. If I learn of anything; I'll certainly pass it on here.

    Besides the decreased download speeds and almost coming to a full stop upload speeds; I've noticed that several applications on my computer won't run at all now. Like the others here; I've tried virtually every setting possible as well and completely disabling it to not have it make any difference.

    I'll give BD a business day or so to offer some solution before I demand a full refund. There is definitely an issue with this software package and I'm not interested in spending hours and hours of my time trying to resolve what should have been a fully functional software package from the beginning.

    For the record; I'm also running Windows XP Service Pack 3 and on a normal DSL connection of 1500/500kbps. Now it's about 1200/20kbps.

  • Hello,

    I just purchased and installed BD Internet Security 2012. I also have Windows XP SP3 but I have XP Pro. I don't know if that makes the difference between the problems you have all mentioned or not. I have DSL and a Linksys Router Model WRT54G. My internet connection has not been affected at all.

    My computer specs are below in my signature line.

    I have noticed a slight slow down in my boot up time of the computer but all my programs are running normal and I have some heavy weight stuff installed.

    These are some of the programs: Office 2007, Roxio 2010, Pinnacle Studio 14, Corel Paint Shop Pro X2, Corel Photo Album 6, Corel Video Studio 12, Adobe Photoshop 7, & Quickbooks 2009. They all ###### up resources and they all have been unaffected by the installation of BitDefender Internet Security 2012.

    In fact I had Corel Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop 7 open at the same time yesterday with no problem.

    The point I am trying to make is that there is nothing wrong with the BitDefender 2012 program itself.

    It is just conflicting with something else and that is what is causing the slow down.

    Just my thought...

  • Hello,

    I just purchased and installed BD Internet Security 2012. I also have Windows XP SP3 but I have XP Pro. I don't know if that makes the difference between the problems you have all mentioned or not. I have DSL and a Linksys Router Model WRT54G. My internet connection has not been affected at all.

    My computer specs are below in my signature line.

    I have noticed a slight slow down in my boot up time of the computer but all my programs are running normal and I have some heavy weight stuff installed.

    These are some of the programs: Office 2007, Roxio 2010, Pinnacle Studio 14, Corel Paint Shop Pro X2, Corel Photo Album 6, Corel Video Studio 12, Adobe Photoshop 7, & Quickbooks 2009. They all ###### up resources and they all have been unaffected by the installation of BitDefender Internet Security 2012.

    In fact I had Corel Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop 7 open at the same time yesterday with no problem.

    The point I am trying to make is that there is nothing wrong with the BitDefender 2012 program itself.

    It is just conflicting with something else and that is what is causing the slow down.

    Just my thought...

    Appreciate your input BroncoJim. Just some frustration here with it all.

    I've since uninstalled it and my 'puter is back to it's normal self. I hope the Tech support here can help resolve whatever the conflict is so that I can re-install it.


  • I personally am not saying that BD is a "faulty" program, as for most users it appears to perform well with no problems.(Just like BD 2009 used to on my computer :( )

    But if a product is sold to the public based on user's computers meeting the minimum specs (as stipulated by BD), and there is no warning that it still might not be incompatible on your systems, then for those unfortunates who's systems do turn out to be incompatible with BD they should then be entitled to a full refund on their purchase.

    (so long as a solution can not be found to the problem within a reasonable of time)

    Think of it this way... you go into a hardware store asking for new kitchen cupboard hinges. Whilst in the hardware store you see a variety of different types that all perform a different function. ( IE: Half Overlap, Full Overlap, Full crank corner hinges etc etc) you are then advised by the shop staff, that the ones you have chosen will be perfect for the job you have in mind, then "most" people will trust the sales staff advice and complete the purchase.

    If for some reason, when you get home, you find that the hinges will not function as you had been lead to believe, then you are fully within your rights to return the unsuitable product to the store, ask for and receive a full refund on your purchase. It's just good business sense if you want to maintain you companies good name and keep your repeat customers. -_-

    Well thats enough of my thoughts for today....

    PS: No word from tech support at my end. :unsure:

  • But if a product is sold to the public based on user's computers meeting the minimum specs (as stipulated by BD), and there is no warning that it still might not be incompatible on your systems, then for those unfortunates who's systems do turn out to be incompatible with BD they should then be entitled to a full refund on their purchase.

    (so long as a solution can not be found to the problem within a reasonable of time)

    See BitDefender's Refund Policy.


  • See BitDefender's Refund Policy.


    By looking at my licence info in BD I still have 690 days left to run on my 2 year subscription, Just my roTten luck to now be into my 40th day ! "if I could turn back time......."

  • Update:

    Day 3 and 2 emails later to customer service and still no reply. I received an automated email assigning me a "ticket number" with verbiage telling me I should expect to wait up to 48 hours for a response. I thought 48 hours was (2) days, but maybe my clock ticks to the wrong tock.

    My second email was to request a full refund. I expressed that I'm not satisfied with my purchase and that in it's self is supposed to be adequate according to their refund policy.

    I gotta tell ya; I'm sure not getting the warm fuzzies at this point. I hope they step up to the plate and contact me about my purchase of their product.

  • okiejoe
    edited September 2011

    Well, Day 5 since I downloaded Bitdefender Internet Security 2012. I noticed immediately that my Internet connection slowed downed to virtually nothing on my upload speeds and was considerably slower on my download speeds. I also noticed several programs ceased to execute. I removed BD Internet Securtiy and contacted customer support. Even after several emails to the customer service department and being assigned multiple "ticket numbers"; I have not heard anything from them. I've also attempted to contact Bitdender via their "customer care" webpage and still have not been contacted.

    The several automated messages I received assigning me a ticket number said I should expect to wait up to 48 hours. I've gone on record that I want a full refund because I am not satisfied with their software.

    And get this ......

    Today I receive a survey email asking me how I feel about their product I purchased and their customer support. <img class=" /><img class=" /><img class=" /><img class=" />

    Hey Moderator, any clue what it takes for Bitdefender to get back to their customers?

  • okiejoe - Please post the ticket number(s) you were given by customer support and the dates if you have that information.


  • Hello,

    Please check the topic below and let me know if the issue persist after the last update performed.


  • okiejoe - Please post the ticket number(s) you were given by customer support and the dates if you have that information.


    Cristina from customer service contacted me this morning and has communicated to me that she's taken care of getting my purchase price refunded. I should see see my credit card activity indicating that's taken place within the next several days or so.

    Thank You for your help.

  • Will someone technically competent, employed by Bitdefender, correct this Internet connection issue, AND, at the same time, tell Nikki605 the Bitdefender forum gadfly to put a sock in it!!!!!

  • Unknown
    edited September 2011


    Rr1165: I am one of the Senior Engineers working with BitDefender and an Administrator of this forum. What exactly is the issue you report and encounter? Also what exactly Gary did to upset you? I do find all his posts really useful and straightforward and I am sure I'm not the only one.

    I have announced in a previous post that the upload issue has been resolved. Make sure you update BitDefender and restart your PC before checking if the issue persist. You haven't confirmed nor alleged it yet so what is the current state of the upload speed issue you encountered ?

    Last but not least you should read the Forum Rules. We clearly state that offending a Moderator is not allowed. Please reconsider your attitude towards Gary, he did nothing more but helping users around this forum therefore please some little respect.

    I have warned you +20% for offensive posting and insulting a Moderator of this forum.

    Joe: the refunds are processed in 2-3 working days so you should get an answer during next week.


  • Hello,

    Please check the topic below and let me know if the issue persist after the last update performed.

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a&gt;



    Read the latest update news, and have confirmed that my BD Total Security is updating correctly, but sorry to report that things are pretty much unchanged at this end .... :(

    Results after running tests (x8) at

    Ping is pretty much unchanged (around 440-450 ms)

    Download no major change, speed averaging around 125-130 Mbps.

    Upload still only 4 to 7 Mbps.

    PS: Thanks for taking the time to respond to this thread tech support :D

  • Will someone technically competent, employed by Bitdefender, correct this Internet connection issue, AND, at the same time, tell Nikki605 the Bitdefender forum gadfly to put a sock in it!!!!!

    Dam annoying those gadflys, but tell what might help you rr1165, how about adding some sheep dip to your next bath. Maybe then you wont find gadflys so annoying. Maybe it might even help if you put some in your socks also ;)

  • Last night I "upgraded" from Bitdefender IS 2011 to 2012 because my computer slowed down as the day went on, and after reading the message boards I saw that vsserv.exe may be causing the problem with 2011. Rebooting when the computer slowed down, seemed to work but I wanted a better solution. I uninstalled all Microsoft antivirus except Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, as I understand these shouldn't be uninstalled. However I did turn them off. I then uninstalled 2011 and installed 2012.

    Today my computer has continually run slower than it ever has.

    Does anyone have an idea how to work around this?

  • Last night I "upgraded" from Bitdefender IS 2011 to 2012 because my computer slowed down as the day went on, and after reading the message boards I saw that vsserv.exe may be causing the problem with 2011. Rebooting when the computer slowed down, seemed to work but I wanted a better solution. I uninstalled all Microsoft antivirus except Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, as I understand these shouldn't be uninstalled. However I did turn them off. I then uninstalled 2011 and installed 2012.

    Today my computer has continually run slower than it ever has.

    Does anyone have an idea how to work around this?

    I just uninstalled Bitdefender 2012 and my computer is a dream. Everything running properly and fast. Obviously the problem is with 2012. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. It will depend on the help I get from anyone here. Until I get help, I'll just avoid virus issues and be happy I have a quick functioning machine.

  • I just did a internet speed check and compared it to the speed I had prior to 2012 being installed and the upload and download both almost doubled. Upload speed from 0.41 Mbps to 0.80 Mbps and download speed from 1.41 Mbps to 2.68 Mbps.

  • Hello Quarry,

    Please create a new topic as the issue you encounter is NOT the same as the one discussed in this topic.

    Once you've created the topic send me a PM with the link and you'll have my answer in the shortest time possible.


  • Sean NSW
    edited September 2011

    Just a quick up-date…

    I have now uninstalled BD Total Security 2012, and then reinstalled BD Total Security 2009. Was able to do this with some help from tech support (thanks) Everything is now running smoooooooothly . Upload and Download speeds have also returned to normal YAY!

    I have also been assured direct from BD Support that "as a Bitdefender customer you will always be entitled to upgrade for free to the latest version using any valid Bitdefender license key to register".

    So when the "bugs" are ironed out I will try upgrading to BD 2012 once more and see what happens.

    My advice to others who have UPGRADED to the 2012 version of Total Security, is remove BD 2012 (using the dedicated removal tool at and then reinstall the version of BD Total Security that was working for you, prior to the 2012 upgrade.

    If you don't have a copy of your older version of BD Total Security, email BD Support and just let them know that you want to reinstall an older version.

    Until there is a "non-conflicting" version of BD for my computer, I'll stick with BD 2009, and upgrade for free at a later date!



  • I have the same issue! I tried so many things, turn on and off certain services, custom settings the BDefender 2012...but nothing work. Today I uninstalled it. My computer runs so ###### fast!

    I am definitely not happy. If there is no solution to this problem, I would like to get my refund. Can anyone help telling me how?



  • I have the same issue! I tried so many things, turn on and off certain services, custom settings the BDefender 2012...but nothing work. Today I uninstalled it. My computer runs so ###### fast!

    I am definitely not happy. If there is no solution to this problem, I would like to get my refund. Can anyone help telling me how?



    I have the same issue and they are working on a fix and hopefully it should be soon

    I have installed Bitdefender 2011 for now and your 2012 key will work with it so this will do in the mean time

    Bitdefender 2011 IS



    Bitdefender 2011 TS



  • I have XP Pro SP3 32 bit and have nothing but issues with BD TS 2012 including the sloooooooooooooow upload speeds. I previous purchased the TS 2011 and would like to reinstall that. Who do I contact to receive the install file as I no longer have it?

  • I have XP Pro SP3 32 bit and have nothing but issues with BD TS 2012 including the sloooooooooooooow upload speeds. I previous purchased the TS 2011 and would like to reinstall that. Who do I contact to receive the install file as I no longer have it?

    You can find direct download links for all BD 2011 products in this pinned topic.


  • You can find direct download links for all BD 2011 products in this pinned topic.


    Thank you for the link.

    I isolated the slow upload problem to my computer (versus router, modem, ports, cables, etc.) which I had only recently upgraded to TS 2012. I tried many, many different settings in TS 2012 to solve the problem to no avail. The problem is actually quite bizarre. On a laptop running AVG connected to the same connection as my desktop I receive consistent upload speeds of about 3.5 Mbps regardless of the location of the server. When I would try my desktop computer with BD TS 2012 installed I would get about 3.5 Mbps on servers that were close to me and then only some of the time. If I tried speed tests on servers on the opposite side of the country I would receive .13 to .25 Mbps or about 4% of the normal speed. I ran tests to at least 10 servers in different locations numerous times. If I tried an overseas server, I would receive .07 Mbps. Once I unistalled TS 2012 I was able to achieve the same speeds as the laptop to all the same server locations, even overseas.

    I re-installed TS 2011 and it seems to work consistently but I still lose about 25% of the raw speed not using BD at all. Not sure if changing some settings will cure this issue.

  • Just a follow up to the above post. I am now running TS 2011 and was trying to resolve the 25% loss in upload speed. I found another thread about speed issues with suggested BD settings. The following was suggested and worked to increase the upload speed to normal for me. Not sure if this might help the issue with TS 2012.


    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode;

    2. Select the Antivirus module on the left and go to the "Shield" tab;

    3. Click on the Custom Level button;

    4. Make sure the following items are NOT checked:

    - Scan http traffic

    - Scan Yahoo Messenger traffic

    - Scan Windows Live Messenger traffic

    5. Click on the "OK" button in apply the changes.


    It was actually stopping the "Scan http traffic" that makes the difference. In the Anti-Virus section, Shield tab, Advanced Settings, I have both Active Virus Control and Intrusion Detection System enabled without an upload speed hit.

    Hope this helps someone.

  • Hello,

    Jharr: Please tell me the version of the following files stored in the BitDefender installation folder:

    - bdtl.dll;

    - httpvs10xu.dll


    - httpvs10u.dll

    NOTE that you will have only one of the two DLL http* files depending on your PC architecture.

    Also please mention the BitDefender build: Right click on the icon in the system tray and select "About" and the language in which you have Bitdefender installed.

    Looking forward to your answer!


  • Oops!

    what i can do with bitdefender Total security 2012???!? <img class=" />

    it actualy decreased my internet speed!!!

    but when i Uninstall it, all problems with internet speed has resolved!

    then bitdefender is the problem. i'm sure that, can you understand guy?????

    there isn't one person that can solve this problem in this company??!?! <img class=" />

  • I have the same issue! I tried so many things, turn on and off certain services, custom settings the BDefender 2012...but nothing work. Today I uninstalled it. My computer runs so ###### fast!

    I am definitely not happy. If there is no solution to this problem, I would like to get my refund. Can anyone help telling me how?



    I have also experienced very slow browsing speeds after installing Bitdefender 2012 after receiving the discounted rates via email from Bitdefender sales team/

    Unfortunately I installed the product & experienced very sloooow web browsing speeds. No matter what I tried, no matter what updates installed the system ran way too slow. As soon as i removed bitdefender 2012 & reinstalled a competing product all performance in web browsing was returned. What a waste of good money, even if the product was on promo pricing.

    I too would like to know how to get a refund for this badly performing software.

    I have only registered here to note my disgust at the product & to see how a refund can or will be handled.

    Ps after reading the multitude of threads on performance issues with Bitdefender 2012 & win7 it would appear that I am not alone in my issues with Bitdefender 2012.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Thank you for your feedback.

    If want a refund for your purchase, please create a ticket in the system and you will be contacted by one of my colleagues from Customer Service:

    Have a great weekend!

  • Christian, Danydan and Nikki605,

    Having for many years relied upon my employer's IT people to evaluate, select and manage antivirus software, I have recently started my own business and today spent several hours researching the subject. The good news is that in my opinion, BD came out a clear winner. However, having spent many hours over the Easter weekend doing the same thing for online backup and storage, I thought it prudent to locate a forum of existing users and read about their experiences.

    Largely as a result of this thread, I will for now continue to rely upon the free avs for Windows7 alongside a low end freeware product that I have used for many years. This decision was based solely on avoiding wasting many hours of my time trying to resolve the inadequacies of a product that is clearly superior to its competitor's but nevertheless carries a high risk of being more trouble than its worth.

    Even as a chronic cynic I am surprised at this decision and suggest that you advise your management to consider refraining from updating its products at a rate that is obviously too frequent to allow reasonable pre-release testing. Personally, I would have no issue with paying several magnitudes of the price if I thought there was an even money chance that the product would perform as advertised and as an aside, believe the only realistic way to handle the online backup issue is to subscribe to two separate products. The issue there is the same - my time is too valuable to be wasted trying to find a product that actually works and won't be changed simply to convince satisfied customers that they need to "upgrade" and it is sadly obvious that no-one in this industry has heard the axiom "if its not broken, don't mess with it".

    Feel free to attempt to convince me that my conclusions are incorrect via email as I am unlikely to visit this forum (or any other on the subject) again.

    Regards, Nick

  • I was just about to buy a license for Bitdefender Internet security 2012 but after reading this thread and many users facing the same issue. I will not ever touch Bitdefender!

    Thanks for this informative thread that clearly kills Bitdefender's business!

    Glad I read it before it was deleted

  • I was just about to buy a license for Bitdefender Internet security 2012 but after reading this thread and many users facing the same issue. I will not ever touch Bitdefender!

    Thanks for this informative thread that clearly kills Bitdefender's business!

    Glad I read it before it was deleted

    I was having the same issue so i left BD 5 months ago while still have another 7 months of service. They make promises that never keep! For example: promises that will respond within 24- 48 hours. I will never again trust and confidence with BD!

  • I was having the same issue so i left BD 5 months ago while still have another 7 months of service. They make promises that never keep! For example: promises that will respond within 24- 48 hours. I will never again trust and confidence with BD!

    I posted a question on these forums of how to buy a 2 year Bitdefender Internet Security license rather than 1 year and noone has replied! Heh With this kinda crappy support I am glad I didnt buy it after seeing this issue as well

    I ended up installing Microsoft Security Essentials 64 bit with Malwarebytes antimalwar pro (i have a lifetime license) and set up the exclusions so they dont conflict with each other and my system is faster than ever

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    We apologize for any negative experience you have encountered with our products or our support. Your feedback is appreciated, and will be directed to the appropriate team for review, to enable us to improve our support and services.

    Thank you for taking the time and please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further details from us.

    Have a great weekend!

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