Says License Expired - Website Not Loading

For the last two days it's saying that my license is expired... and then when I try to log into my account.. the bitdefender website is timing out..

Is there a major issue? or something that's going on, on my end?


  • For the last two days it's saying that my license is expired... and then when I try to log into my account.. the bitdefender website is timing out..

    Is there a major issue? or something that's going on, on my end?

    I've had this issue going on three weeks. BD support and this forum have not been able to help.

    If you google the issue, BD is aware of it.

    I thought maybe their site was under attack, or everyone who owns a license is trying to get support!

  • Same issue here... the forums are loading fast... the homepage is ok, too but the https:// part is.... slow... really slow!

  • Which means it's something to do with the secure SSL or whatever licensing. It's a pain in the ###### for me because I can't even run a scan right now.... what's the point in paying for their product if you can't use it???

    If it doesn't fix in a week or so, I'm going to have to chargeback...

  • Shadowsong
    edited April 2008

    Did a Traceroute...

      8    33 ms    33 ms    36 ms []
    9-14   *        *        *      TIMEOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      15  218 ms   216 ms   218 ms []

    hop 4 was my last ISP hop... replied with 9 ms.... probably not a SSL problem... :S

    Edit: Pretty uncool... i've installed Vista yesterday and i just wanted to get the serial key xD well... bad luck

  • Did a Traceroute...

      8    33 ms    33 ms    36 ms []
    9-14   *        *        *      TIMEOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      15  218 ms   216 ms   218 ms []

    hop 4 was my last ISP hop... replied with 9 ms.... probably not a SSL problem... :S

    Edit: Pretty uncool... i've installed Vista yesterday and i just wanted to get the serial key xD well... bad luck

    Support told me to uninstall... Then reinstall...

    The only problem is.. it's not uninstalling.. it's trying to reach the server and failing.