Advanced Display Does Not Work

OS: Windows XP SP3 w/ all current patches.

I have done the install/reinstall cycle THREE times now so I believe there is a bug here.

The Basic View works great. However, when I select the Advanced view, all I get is a long EMPTY rectangular box. The "BitDefender Total Security 2009" and the button "switch to Basic View" is present. The "STATUS: There are no pending issues" is present, but NOTHING

else, just a very long (off the screen on the bottom) rectangle with NOTHING filled in.

Anybody know how to correct this issue?

I licensed this product because of the excellent reviews of the product and its functionality.


  • Hello M. D. Parker,

    Please post a screenshot of the window, just to be sure I understand it correctly.


  • Hello M. D. Parker,

    Please post a screenshot of the window, just to be sure I understand it correctly.


    I am having the exact same problem

  • Hmm....sorrry but I removed the package until this can be resolved.. However again, the basic options get all filled in....when I press the "Advanced Options" what I get is the first two display lines (containing the bitdefender 2009 line and the switch to basic mode and the - and x// next line is the standard Green line indicates no problems.

    No problem switching between modes....but in the Advanced mode there is always the two lines and a long retangle that is blank (i.e. the standard tanish background only with nothing displayed).

    The long rectangle extended below the logical screen bottom and manuvering the rectangle I could not discern its length.

    If it helps I'm using 1600x1200 pixel display with 32 bit color on a Nvidia Quatro FX 4400.

    Hope you can find this.

  • Hi:

    I have used the documentation to create an image of what I am seeing in advance mode. Please see the attachment. The difference is that the "red" area in mine is green AND there seems to be NO end to the bottom of the box. Also I am a registered user so "- Trial" is not present.


  • Go to Start - Run - cmd

    Type in "regsvr32 jscript.dll" [Enter]

    Restart and try to see if the dashboard displays correctly.

  • HI,

    I am having the same problem. For the last week, I haven't been able to run any scans. On advice from other posts, I used the removal tool to uninstall BitDefender IS 2009, then used CCleaner's registry cleaner as well as Max Cleaner to fully remove all registry traces. I reinstalled and now the scans are working again.

    The downside is that now, from the moment I reinstalled, Advanced view does not work. Basic view is fine and I have no issue with any of the features, but Advanced view shows only a short 2 line paragraph.

    (Note the attachment for a screenshot of what I see in Advanced Mode.)

    I am running Vista 64-Bit Home Premium with SP1 and all current updates. What can I do to resolve this?



  • Same exact Vista64 all updates and get no info under the advanced mode. I have had good luck with BD before but this problem makes the software pretty much useless.

    Any suggestions?

  • We'll be releasing an update in a couple of days addressing this issue that will contain new versions of the bdagent.exe and seccenter.exe files and it should resolve it.