Media Center/ Media Extenders/xbox 360

I'm running Windows 7 - 64 bit.

BDIS 10 (previously v. 9)

Router is enabled for UPNP

I've not been able to connect my media center with the xbox (windows "see's" the xbox in network devices but media center says BD is not allowing the connection)

I have searched the forums and found nothing in the 2010 forum but only old topics /threads..

In 'old' version forums, there have been requests to add a button or click field to enable media center and extenders to communicate. Will this ever happen?

I guess in 2009, i don't feel a lot of need to have to spend hours (on top of the volumes of time already wasted) combing 10 old threads for tips and info and then manually configuring 15 separate components for a firewall - Especially when there's many alternatives out there that will NOT require this amount of effort to function properly.

Is there a new / step-by-step guide to configure this software to work? and if so, should it not be made into a sticky as judging by the number of old posts, this is quite common

I've turned everything off, i've even tried uninstalling BDIS (using the full separate uninstall tool) and it STILL says that it's blocking.

The next time i have to uninstall BDIS is isn't going back onto my computer

Thanks for your help and your time.

- Jason


  • Hello JasonT,

    If yous still have the same issue after you uninstalled BitDefender, then most probably the BitDefender Firewall drivers have not been uninstalled correctly and that is why we recommend you to download and run a special tool that will uninstall the BitDefender Firewall drivers from the next link. After you run this tool, please reboot your system and install BitDefender 2010 one more time.

    If you have the same connectivity issues we recommend you to follow the steps bellow :

    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode and click on Firewall; Temporarily uncheck "Firewall is enabled". Now please test in order to see if the connectivity issue reoccurs.

    2. If it doesn't reoccur please re-enable the Firewall, then select the Network tab in the upper menu and click on the current "Network Type", pull down the drop-down menu and select "Trusted Local", Stealth to "No" and Generic to "Yes". In the Zones area please click on the "+" sign and add the IP address of the local device (XBOX) that you are trying to connect to;

    3. If the connection is unsuccessful please go to the Rules tab and click on the Advanced button. Here there should be 3 process rules (ehshell.exe) for Windows Media Center . Make sure that they all have the action Allow.

    4. If the same issue occurs, click on the Status tab, click on the "Advanced Settings" button and check the option called "Enable Internet Connection Sharing" . Now please uncheck "Block Port scan" as well and click OK. Test in order to see if the connectivity issue is still present.

    Thank you.

  • Hello,

    I dont mean to threadjack here, but I'm experiencing a similar problem as the one mentioned abov; I assume since no reply was made that perhaps the OP of this thread had his problem fixed...I'm running BDTS 2010 and have Windows XP 2005 Media Center Edition Update 2. I am trying to get my Xbox 360 to recognize my MC enabled PC. I've ran all updates as requested by Microsoft, have Media Center Extender installed and synched up both machines via the 8 digit code provided.

    Both machines "see" each other; both were set up correctly however every time I try and connect to MC via my 360, I get the message "session terminated - another user or application on the windows media center-based PC has disconnected this device"

    I had my 360 synced up with my PC before I upgraded and installed BDTS 2010 but now I have no luck every single time I try to get this to work.

    I've done every step outlined above. I turned off the firewall first, tried the Network tab suggestions, the Rules tab suggestions, and the Advanced Settings tab suggestions; none of them have worked.

    I even tried reinstalling bitdefender after running the firewall tool provided above also.

    Please help me as I am at a loss; Half the purpose of owning a 360 was to run MC through it and being unable to do so now Im faced with fixing the problem or removing all components of BitDefender.

  • Hello,

    Please help me as I am at a loss; Half the purpose of owning a 360 was to run MC through it and being unable to do so now Im faced with fixing the problem or removing all components of BitDefender.

    Um, nope. Mine still isn't working. I tried all the steps and the message i keep getting in MC is that due to my network/firewall, MC can't see the extender.

    Currently, I don't have BD installed and I did the uninstall "extra's" and still no go... "MC cannot locate the extender due to network or firewall configuration"

    Like you, it worked before..

    Right now i can't decide if i want to install BDIS again and go through alllllll of those steps from the beginning or just walk away and accept the cost of purchase as a loss..

    So, who knows.

  • Um, nope. Mine still isn't working. I tried all the steps and the message i keep getting in MC is that due to my network/firewall, MC can't see the extender.

    Currently, I don't have BD installed and I did the uninstall "extra's" and still no go... "MC cannot locate the extender due to network or firewall configuration"

    Like you, it worked before..

    Right now i can't decide if i want to install BDIS again and go through alllllll of those steps from the beginning or just walk away and accept the cost of purchase as a loss..

    So, who knows.

    I had the same problem after reinstalling my computer and i remember a crucial step. You need to make a new connection from the xbox. If it was previously working and you change some configuration on your computer you will need to reauthorize your xbox else you will get the message you are having. So in media center on the xbox go to new connection to get the 8 digit code, rerun the extender setup on your comp and voila. My media center was telling me the same thing as you.

    I really hope this help cuz i know how frustrating this can be :)

  • I appreciate the tip, however I've already done this step multiple times, both completely reinstalling MCE and re-recognizing the 360 via MCE. I still get the same message. I hope JasonT has better luck with this step.

    I tried this step again just now and again got the same message. I'm not sure what else to do.

  • Yeah, i've done all that too.. I've deleted the existing stuff in MC on the xbox and the pc and tried repeatedly to add them again. Thats where I run into the road block as I enter the 8 digit code and it says that MC cannot connect to the extender due to firewall/network configuration.


    The funniest part is that in Windows 7 in the 'network' section to manage devices, the xbox shows...


  • Hello,

    I dont mean to threadjack here, but I'm experiencing a similar problem as the one mentioned abov; I assume since no reply was made that perhaps the OP of this thread had his problem fixed...I'm running BDTS 2010 and have Windows XP 2005 Media Center Edition Update 2. I am trying to get my Xbox 360 to recognize my MC enabled PC. I've ran all updates as requested by Microsoft, have Media Center Extender installed and synched up both machines via the 8 digit code provided.

    Both machines "see" each other; both were set up correctly however every time I try and connect to MC via my 360, I get the message "session terminated - another user or application on the windows media center-based PC has disconnected this device"

    I had my 360 synced up with my PC before I upgraded and installed BDTS 2010 but now I have no luck every single time I try to get this to work.

    I've done every step outlined above. I turned off the firewall first, tried the Network tab suggestions, the Rules tab suggestions, and the Advanced Settings tab suggestions; none of them have worked.

    I even tried reinstalling bitdefender after running the firewall tool provided above also.

    Please help me as I am at a loss; Half the purpose of owning a 360 was to run MC through it and being unable to do so now Im faced with fixing the problem or removing all components of BitDefender.

    Penny.. Since I have no life and have the desire the waste ungodly amounts of time on this, I happened upon a url that describes your "session terminated" problem - hope it might help you so that at least SOMEone can their MC working : )

  • I appreciate the effort you put into this problem! The sad truth is that I, like you, have no life and have already tried every single one of those solutions as well :-\ ...nothing worked. I even tried manually messing with firewall settings and ensured everything was as suggested; still nothing. This is beyond sad to me; I have tons of media to watch but dont want to spend the hours and money it takes to burn it all to dvd.

    Although I will say something strange occured earlier that |I notice. I have my PC set up on the same floor as my router, but I also have a second PC set up in my office, also on the same floor; the office PC I dont use, has windows vista, and is on most of the time...Today, someone was on it and asked "hey, whats media center extender??"....I looked at the office PC and its talking about setting up MCE.

    Ive never set that program up, so I dont know if Vista automatically has it already installed on purchase or what was wanting to set up MCE while I had the 360 on and was messing with MY PC in the other room.

    Is it possible that the office pc is somehow messing with the other's ability to connect? I disableed the firewall on the office PC, then both my pc and the office pc...and I still couldnt connect.

  • Your office PC as UPnP service started that's why it saw your xbox as an extender. You will still have to configure it though if you wan't to use it. As for interfering with your other pc, the possibilities are small to non existant....but who know, it's Microsoft after all :)


    I was up way late but i think i have the 2 steps that i THINK did the trick.

    I was reading a million threads and saw that having router security set to AES (or in my case TKIP + AES) might mess it up.

    I changed mine to just TKIP. Whether that did the trick, i dunno as I didn't test after each step (it was late)

    Next, i think our problems are a function of Windows (whatever version) not seeing the extender.

    Below in italics is a snip from this thread..

    Thanks for using the Microsoft Answers Forum.

    In addition to all the things you have tried you might want to access your services and make sure that SSDP Discovery is enabled and set to automatic. Turning this service on should enable your machine to see the Xbox without having to enter the 8 digit code. To check to see if the service is on or off, right click on Computer and select Manage. Click on Services in the Computer Management console and then scroll down to SSDP discovery. By default this service should be on but check to make sure just in case.

    Try this and let us know what you find.

    Then also there was a place that I started (and i can't remember where i found it or what it was called) but it had to do with changing 2 settings from MC from 'manual' to automatic. I just looked in Windows 7 and I believe it's in "start/all programs/administrative tools/computer management (or.. Start and search for... compmgmt.msc) (OR.. right click on Computer and select Manage)

    Down on the bottom of the left side, expand "Services and Applications" and search for any WMC stuff and I changed it all to "Automatic" from manual.


    One or the other or a combination of the 2 things has made it WORK!

    I knew I would be in business when on the xbox, i tested the network connections and my computer appeared in the list where as before, there was always no computers listed.

    NOW, i have to probably set a restore point and try again installing BDIS and see if that affects anything. If so, i'll roll it back and go get something else although I'm trying to be positive..

  • Right on, man, I'm glad you got yours up and running. I hadnt found any of the info you posted so I tried it...sadly, still nothing. I changed to TKIP and also tried the second suggestion you gave. At this point, I'm at a loss.

  • Well....I may have found a fix, if you want to call it that...i mentioned before how the vista pc in the office shows up with an extender deal when the 360 is on...well, I set it up through that and it worked fine. So....I guess at the least I can transfer files over to that pc, or media share them perhaps. Oh well.

  • Hi Alex, I don't have the "Network Type" and I'm running 2010 Internet Security - what steps should I take please

