Can Someone Please Help!

Two days ago I uninstalled BDIS 2010 and went back to BDIS 2009, which had been working well on my system. It appeared that it was going to go on and work well.

I left my computer around 2 a.m. and when I came back to it today at around 10:30 there was a window on my desktop telling me that I needed to restart to apply some BDIS 2009 product update that was apparently applied while I was gone. I did so. I opened my email program (Windows Mail) and discovered that an old problem that got solved long ago is back. Even though I do not have the anti spam module enabled on BD, it has once again removed half of my mail rules. I went to chat support to ask about this and the only thing they can do for me is send me their form email with those two tools they want me to run. I just asked the support person if there was nothing else they could suggest for me to check into or try because I was "so tired of sending these reports and then waiting at least a week for a reply." He typed back why they want the tools and don't want to give further suggestions until after they have looked at them ... and then he flat out said good-bye and hung up on me.

I think I am finally ready to quit messing with this company even though I have 577 days left on my sub. What I want to know, from anyone who knows, is this:

When I uninstall BDIS 2009 for the purpose of installing a different security program should I go into the registry, do a search and remove any BDIS keys that remain?

I ask because their uninstall tool is supposed to remove registry keys, but after I uninstalled BDIS 2010 and installed 2009, I did a search for "BitDefender 2010" in the registry and keys were found. I went to chat and asked about that and they told me this is perfectly acceptable because it just means 2009 is using these keys. But if I get rid of BD altogether, then I'm assuming any leftover keys in the registry could cause problems with a new security program.

Please advise.

Thank you.


  • I posted earlier for some help in the case that I uninstall BD completely and go with something else. I don't want BD causing problems with a new program. If I use BD's uninstaller and then find there are still items in the registry, is it safe to scan the registry for BD and delete anything I find before trying to install a new product?

    I rolled back from BDS 2010 to 2009, which was working very well for me. Now it has started erasing my Mail Rules in Windows Mail, even though I have the anti spam feature disabled. I had this problem long ago with 2008 and in the end I had to rename 2 or 3 files and that fixed it. When 2009 came out I didn't have the problem but since upgrading to 2010 and now rolling back it's there again. I'm not going to put up with this. I have written to tech support but who knows when or if they will get back to me. Presently I have 3 tickets in tech support and haven't received an answer on any of them.

    If no one has any answers or suggestions on a fix to this email problem, can someone at least advise me on the uninstall issue so that if I change I can get a clean install on a new program? Please!

  • BD has a separate uninstall tool, not sure if you used that one or uninstalled it straight from Control Panel.

    You might want to give Revo Uninstaller a try, it is freeware and it has an option to do a deep analysis that will search for registry keys and leftover files. I used it today to uninstall BDAV 2010 to go back to BDAV 2009 and it found several leftover files and registry keys which I had it delete. Be careful though, it is possible it could identify items that should not be removed, for that it creates a Restore Point prior to uninstalling. Be sure to not let BD reboot at the end of the uninstall, let Revo do it's analysis first.

  • Hello Nikilet,

    The best way to remove BitDefender is by using our uninstall tool in Safe Mode. After that you can use a registry cleaner program and remove the other BitDefender registry entries that were left after the uninstall.

    We have sent to you an email back and we are looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you.