

  • This will only work as long as the next update. The update will write a new httproxy.dll and you'll have to do the rename thing alover again. As I just had to do. Try this, worked for me.... Solution: - Restart the computer (Windows Start button - Turn Off - Restart); - Press the 'F8' key several times before Microsoft…
  • Hi, @1artworkz: As you have uninstalled BitDefender please follow the steps below and send me the log file for further analysis: 1. Download this file: http://www.bitdefender.com/files/Knowledge...ile/sysdump.exe ...snip... 7. Send me a PM (Private Message) with the download link Looking forward to your answer! Ok so I…
  • Antiphishing Toolbar Ver. 2 disables almost all Firefox 3.5 Addons
  • To be honest since the launch of BitDefender 2011 almost everyone dealing with PC slowdown including at startup was due to the multiple security solutions installed on the same computer. I really don't think this is the issue. It is BitDefender 2011 itself. I have no other security programs running. I was getting multiple…
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