Bit Befender Is Causing My Computer To Almost Stop

edited September 2010 in Old topics

Please see correspondence below for history of my problem. Last email (immediately below) has not yet been answered. Vsserv.exe is definitely causing a lot of the problem taking all cpu resources.

What do I do?

Please advise asap

Yours frustratedly (very)

Ilan Brand


  • It's true. I just deleted BDTS and now my computer runs fine. Fast again. It worked so hard when BD was running and it's weird because when you run task manager it's not always BD processes taking up a lot of mem. But somehow while bitdefender is running it makes other programs use more memory. Firefox for example runs at a much higher mem usage when BD is running. also vsserve.exe sometimes gets up to over 400,000K mem usage during updates. Everything crawls to a halt and there are constant ****** errors while browsing the web. You see meltdown screens while minimizing windows, very loud harddrive processing, constant lag and endless slowdown.

    I would suggest deleting BD and run for a little while without AV protection (a few hours maybe). See if BD is really causing the issue or some other programs.

  • It's true. I just deleted BDTS and now my computer runs fine. Fast again. It worked so hard when BD was running and it's weird because when you run task manager it's not always BD processes taking up a lot of mem. But somehow while bitdefender is running it makes other programs use more memory. Firefox for example runs at a much higher mem usage when BD is running. also vsserve.exe sometimes gets up to over 400,000K mem usage during updates. Everything crawls to a halt and there are constant ****** errors while browsing the web. You see meltdown screens while minimizing windows, very loud harddrive processing, constant lag and endless slowdown.

    I would suggest deleting BD and run for a little while without AV protection (a few hours maybe). See if BD is really causing the issue or some other programs.

    OK I'll try thanks.

  • The computer will run faster or slower depending on two things:

    - the computer performance meeting the recommended settings for using BitDefender

    - the settings within BitDefender Security Center

    @Ben5: please do not copy/paste emails received from us in a topic. It will make it too long. Just post the ticket ID and we will search it for you. I have taken ownership of the ticket ID: 201008251003491 and will kindly ask you to send me the logs you will generate so we can further investigate. Also specify what exactly is the issue you encounter with BitDefender / your computer. Last but not least, if any error displayed on the screen, make a screeenshot of it.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • The computer will run faster or slower depending on two things:

    - the computer performance meeting the recommended settings for using BitDefender

    - the settings within BitDefender Security Center

    Please advise the recommended computer performance for BD. I have 1GB ram. Microsoft Windows XP service pack 3. centrino duo 1.60GHz processors. 35GB memory free. Computer is mostly running at 0-4% resources when idle.

    Will this meet the recommended performance?

  • for me (my opinion),

    The good Antivirus does not see the minimum requirement.

    I am afraid if BD will became the garbage DLL huge resources as Norton

    I doubt this BD 11 run smoothly on Intel Atom (Netbook).

    I should revert back to BD 10 :(

  • Please advise the recommended computer performance for BD. I have 1GB ram. Microsoft Windows XP service pack 3. centrino duo 1.60GHz processors. 35GB memory free. Computer is mostly running at 0-4% resources when idle.

    Will this meet the recommended performance?

    Yes it does. Scott please check your Hotmail email. I have sent you an email in regards to the ticket ID 201008261012473.


  • And another one.

    I am running BD 2011 with a Celeron® D CPU with 3.07 GHz and 2 Gig RAM with Windows XP Pro SP*3 and 223GB free and I too am having fits with the vsserv.exe using 98+% of the CPU at odds times for no apparent reason, gumming up the works and making either Firefox or IE7 all but worthless for three to five minutes at a stretch. With all of the BD components turned off and disabled the computer runs VERY fast and with it on it is all but un-usable. Help please.


  • Hello Gerrod,

    Please follow the steps below and let me know if the issue still persist. I do believe that the issue is caused by one of BitDefender options under the Update module:

    1. Open BitDefender Security Center

    2. Switch to Expert View from the Options button

    3. Click on the Update module

    4. Go to Settings

    5. Uncheck the following boxes:

    - Enable update sharing (P2P)

    - Upload BitDefender files from this PC

    6. Click on Apply

    7. Test to see if the issue still occur.


  • Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for the quick response. Well, I was hopeful, but while the slow down didn't last three to four minutes, it was less than two minutes this time, that has happened before using the fix you suggested and even a minute forty seven slow down at better than 300,000 me usage and 98% CPU usage is still much too much, seeing that without BD installed I am rarely using more than 35% of my CPU and the only time I ever get near 300,000+ memory usage is when I've had the Firefox browser open for really extended periods. So, while I appreciate the suggestion, it didn't work this time. Do you have another suggestion?


  • My computer was running VERY slowly for a number of weeks. It would take up to 20 seconds to recognise I had actually clicked something. Now that I've shut down BDI2011, all is running like it used to.

    Also noticed prior that vsserve.dll was taking up to 50% processor usage intermittently.

    BDI2011 runs well on my other computer.

    What can I do about my problem with this main computer?

  • Still no solution guys? I have waited another couple of days and the problem is still persisting. On a longer term view I can tell that it helped a bit, in that I am having the problem a good deal less often.


    The problem is still there, as stated before, with 98%+ processor usage and very often over half a gig of RAM dedicated just to running the vsserv.exe ...and it still lasts for minutes at a time. I'd appreciate any help you can render.


  • Ok, now this is getting silly. I've now held off ANOTHER couple of days and haven't even gotten a "hang on we're working on it", which would have been fine, even sent as a private email. But not even THAT was forth coming? Are you people AT ALL serious about customer service?


  • Hello,

    Gerrod: please check your Hotmail email account.

    redadare: please check your emal.


  • Ok I'm in the same boat as these folks. I have a newer laptop running windows 7 and its fine but my old desktop running windows xp sp3 is not functional at all since I installed BD Internet Security 2011. I had to use my laptop to post this because I just couldn't do it with my desktop now that I have your software on it. Why would an anti-viral protection type software behave worse than a virus? I tried the simple solutions other than uninstalling BD. Someone please help!

  • HI Gary,

    To be honest since the launch of BitDefender 2011 almost everyone dealing with PC slowdown including at startup was due to the multiple security solutions installed on the same computer.

    1. First please unplug the Internet cable from your computer or disable the Wireless adaptor if you are using one

    2. Click on Start and then choose My Computer/Computer.

    3. Browse to:

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011

    - considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition

    4. Double-click on the supporttool.exe file - if you are using Vista or Windows 7, right-click on the supporttool application file and select Run as Administrator

    5. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish

    6. A file will be created on your desktop. Please move it to a location of your choice (i.e. move it on your c:\ drive)

    7. Reconnect your internet cable (only after you have moved the file to the new location)

    8. Upload the created file HERE

    9. Include a detailed description of the issue you are encountering and a screenshot of the error message, if there is one.

    10. Send me a PM (Private Message) with the download link.

    Kind regards,

  • how do you upload the log file if bitdefender is causing slowdown issues when it's connected to the internet. The first step above is to "First please unplug the Internet cable from your computer or disable the Wireless adaptor if you are using one"

  • To be honest since the launch of BitDefender 2011 almost everyone dealing with PC slowdown including at startup was due to the multiple security solutions installed on the same computer.

    I really don't think this is the issue.

    It is BitDefender 2011 itself. I have no other security programs running. I was getting multiple bowser "Server Time Out" error messages until I uninstalled BitDefender 2011. Now everything is running fine but I'm running with no security. I just renewed my subscription. If BitDefender is not going to fix this then I want a refund so I can use a product that isn't such a resource hog. The reason I switched from PC Tools products was that it was a resource hog but not as bad as BitDefender 2011.

    My computer was running fine with BitDefender 2010. I'm running XP SP# on a new desktop with 8 mb of memory and 322 GB of free disk space.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010


    Steve: you unplug the Internet cable or disable the wireless adapter so the logs will not be automatically sent to us and create multiple requests from a single user. If you have system slowdown when browsing the Internet I would first uncheck the 'Scan HTTP traffic' option under Antivirus -> Custom Level.

    1artworkz: As you have uninstalled BitDefender please follow the steps below and send me the log file for further analysis:

    1. Download this file:

    2. Locate and open 'Sysdump.exe'

    3. A command prompt window will appear on your screen. Please note that the information gathering process can take several minutes therefore please wait until the window disappear by itself.

    4. The result will be the file called 'SYSDUMP.TAR'

    5. When you have the sysdump.tar please upload it HERE

    6. Include a DETAILED description of the issue you encounter: reproduce the steps you take until the issue occur and, if possible, enclose a screenshot of any error message you receive.

    7. Send me a PM (Private Message) with the download link

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Hi,

    1artworkz: As you have uninstalled BitDefender please follow the steps below and send me the log file for further analysis:

    1. Download this file:


    7. Send me a PM (Private Message) with the download link

    Looking forward to your answer!

    Ok so I sent you the SYSDUMP.TAR file. I have not received a reply. How do I get 2011 to work without slowing everything down especially Firefox? I'd just prefer to go back to 2010. That is the program I bough for my two home computers a month ago. I tried to install the online download of 2010 but my activation code would not work.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010


    You have two choices: either send a PM with the registration key and we will change it for you so you will be able to revert to 2010 and register it OR we can continue troubleshooting the issue.

    The results of the analysis:

    - you have installed: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and also BitDefender Free Edition 2009 was not removed with the uninstall tool since it is still listed in the lists of programs installed on your PC.

    - you also have an orphan file from an older installation of a Symantec product with the path:

    C:\Program Files\Norton Navigator\FILEMGR.EXE

    - last but not least you also have a driver still running from a previous installation of ZoneAlarm:

    C:\Program Files\CheckPoint\ZAForceField\ISWKL.sys

    My recommendation:

    - use the Norton removal tool to clean your PC

    - use Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel to remove MalwareBytes

    - use the BitDefender uninstall tool to remove BitDefender

    - restart the PC after each uninstall

    - mandatory to use a registry cleaner (CCleaner) to clean your Windows registry

    - restart the PC again

    - reinstall BitDefender

    Please let me know what you decide by a PM; enclose the topic title and any ticket ID you may have open with us.

  • Just looking at these posts it seems that there is a major resource hog problem with BD 2011. My email comes in way too slow (the computer just sits there reading the hard drive) and I too cannot use Firefox. When I look that VSSERV.EXE program is using way too much memory.

    Any recommendations from you experienced people that have dealt with this problem so far?

    I really do not have time to dork around with this but unless I get a new computer I am going to have to waste the time.

  • To be honest since the launch of BitDefender 2011 almost everyone dealing with PC slowdown including at startup was due to the multiple security solutions installed on the same computer.

    Hi DanyDan

    Since installing BD2011 I have had the same problem, butr then again I had the problem with 2010 for over 6 months till one day the problem solved itself.

    Some people are complaining that their PC is slowing down or 'freezing' for a few minutes. I have to wait up to 30 minutes which is annoying as it is also my work computer. I have even changed the settings so I control the downloads and updates. It has helped because I don't get the grey icon anymore but the PC can freeze for up to 30 minutes.

    The other problem with the issue is that it occurs inconsistently. Some days I can begin running programs 5 minutes after start up.. others days between 15-30 minutes. My PC is running very slow now. when I use a web browser and try to access a website I get delays despite using cable internet and a PC with dual core processor.

    I disagree with your comments. My brother was part of the Beta testing version. He has a slightly older PC than myself but runs the same operating system and anti-malware software as I do but he NEVER has a problem.

    Whilst I am not a software engineer and don't profess to have that degree of knowledge or expertise, the fact remains it is the BitDefender software which clashes with these products. Other Total Security software do not have this problem but this problem has existed with BitDefender since 2009 and has yet to be resolved.

    If the engineers at BitDefender wont correct this problem, then at least they should give a product warning that if the purchaser has installed other security solutions software, it is advisable NOT to purchase BitDefender products. This would save the purchaser time and grief.

    I acknowledge that you on behalf Of Bitdefender were kind enough to extend my product for additional time so that my experience may be a better one (after two years) but the old issues still remain and to be honest, as busy people we don't have time to continually send reports and refine settings so the product can work- it should just work first time everytime.

    I thiNk Vsserv is the problem and the engineers at BitDefender need to be creative and formulate a better system that differs from the way vsserv works.

  • @stinkypant - I have had this problem periodically since late in version 2009. My best suggestion to you is turn off auto update or put it on every 4 hours. The updates are a major contributor to slowdown. This usually happens before and during the update process. You can set them for manual (run it before you go to sleep etc) or auto but severely cut down on frequency. The other recommendation is to restart your computer frequently. Slow down seems to occur more with vsserv. if your computer has been idle for a while and you come back to it. usually if you restart BD will be good for at least a few hours. if you have already uninstalled BD (with tool) id also suggest a registry cleaner to wipe out any bits left behind. BD seems to be very sensitive about previous installations and this can affect the current install.

    @oracle - I agree with your post. it was well thought out and articulated. Bitdefender seems to be very sensitive to other security solutions even tiny morsels left deep in the registry. There is also some issue with vsserv causing it to either make other programs like Firefox run at much higher resources or hog resources itself. The best luck I have had is uninstall and registry cleaner to get rid of us as much as I can find. And even that does not always work 100%. I really like the way BD is layed out and the protection it provides is very good. I have not had a virus since owning it in 2007. However, recent issues with vsserv (since version 2009) have brought the product down to an almost unmanageable level. Not everyone experiences these issues obviously, but for those that do it can be very frustrating.

    @DannyDan - question. What do you recommend for users who do not have total security and are using one of the other BD brands? Obviously we have to have some type of security solutions on our computer to cover the areas the other BD brands do not. For example, if you have BD Antivirus and you want a firewall, will it conflict with BD? If you have Internet Security and want a separate registry cleaner, will it affect BD? What about a defrag program?

  • Hello,

    Stinkypants: Do you wish to look and try to find the source of the issue ? If so please follow the steps in quotes.

    Oracle: I would like to take a look on your PC if that's OK with you. Can we schedule a remote session using TeamViewer ?

    Steve: There are software that can run along with BitDefender. Spybot search and destroy, malware bytes, CCleaner etc. The trick is that most of the users using these software will also activate the Windows registry protection, real time protection etc and yes, these modules are in conflict with BitDefender and will create slowdowns / crashes. As an example you can freely use Spybot search and destroy to search for any possible threats as long as you do not enable the real time protection for registry entries called "TeaTimer". The same applies for Malwarebytes: if you purchase it you can enable the real time protection and it will crash BitDefender.

    As firewall , only if you are using Antivirus Pro I would stay with the Windows firewall if there is only regular activity/connectivity on that PC.

  • Hello,

    Oracle: I would like to take a look on your PC if that's OK with you. Can we schedule a remote session using TeamViewer ?

    Hi DanyDan

    Yes, more than happy for you to do this if we can get to the bottom of the problem

  • The same applies for Malwarebytes: if you purchase it you can enable the real time protection and it will crash BitDefender.

    You may have identified a solution to my problem- I have real protection activated on my malwarebytes.

    The only confusing aspect is that my brothers also do as well but don't experience the problems I do.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    The incompatibility between the Malwarebytes real time protection and BitDefender is since the 2009 version.

    you both have Malwarebytes registered and the real time protection enabled ? You should remove it as it will crash the real time protection of BitDefender. I believe your brother doesn't have the service activated / running that is why he does not have the same issues as you.

    I would recommend you to uninstall Malwarebytes then re-install it without registering it. Or stop the service from Start -> Run... -> 'services.msc'

    Let me know what you decide on the remote, can we start it in 30 minutes or so ?

  • The incompatibility between the Malwarebytes real time protection and BitDefender is since the 2009 version.

    you both have Malwarebytes registered and the real time protection enabled ? You should remove it as it will crash the real time protection of BitDefender. I believe your brother doesn't have the service activated / running that is why he does not have the same issues as you.

    I would recommend you to uninstall Malwarebytes then re-install it without registering it. Or stop the service from Start -> Run... -> 'services.msc'

    Let me know what you decide on the remote, can we start it in 30 minutes or so ?

    Ok will check with my brother in the morning re the Malwarebytes. If MalwareBytes is the culprit, it is only a problem at startup.

    Re remote.. the sooner the better as it is past midnight here lol.

  • Well I did wait but you must be busy elsewhere so perhaps another time. It is 1.02 am here.

  • @Stevenomes -- Thanks, I will give your suggestions a try.

    @DanyDan -- When you say "quoted" do you mean the instructions in your post of Sep 12 2010, 01:37 PM?

  • Hi Stinkypants,

    Here are the steps below:

    1. First please unplug the Internet cable from your computer or disable the Wireless adaptor if you are using one

    2. Click on Start and then choose My Computer/Computer.

    3. Browse to:

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011

    - considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition

    4. Double-click on the supporttool.exe file - if you are using Vista or Windows 7, right-click on the supporttool application file and select Run as Administrator

    5. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish

    6. A file will be created on your desktop. Please move it to a location of your choice (i.e. move it on your c:\ drive)

    7. Reconnect your internet cable (only after you have moved the file to the new location)

    8. Upload the created file HERE

    9. Include a detailed description of the issue you are encountering and a screenshot of the error message, if there is one.

    10. Send me a PM (Private Message) with the download link.


    - When the error message is on your screen press the "PrintScreen" key on your keyboard ("PrintScreen" is located at the top of the keyboard, at right; At this step we can not see anything, as the picture is copied into Windows's clipboard);

    - Open a graphic editing application (We recommend using the standard Paint program, that comes with every Windows installation from Start > Programs > Accessories > Paint);

    - Paste the picture in a new Paint document (using Edit > Paste);

    - Save the file in JPEG format

    - attach it to this topic.

    Make sure you mask the license key if that screenshot includes the Registration details.

  • @oracle - I agree with your post. it was well thought out and articulated. Bitdefender seems to be very sensitive to other security solutions even tiny morsels left deep in the registry. There is also some issue with vsserv causing it to either make other programs like Firefox run at much higher resources or hog resources itself. The best luck I have had is uninstall and registry cleaner to get rid of us as much as I can find. And even that does not always work 100%. I really like the way BD is layed out and the protection it provides is very good. I have not had a virus since owning it in 2007. However, recent issues with vsserv (since version 2009) have brought the product down to an almost unmanageable level. Not everyone experiences these issues obviously, but for those that do it can be very frustrating.

    I agree with your post, particularly regarding the product becoming unmanageable.

    Considering the issue is nearly two years old, you would expect a solution to be formulated, tried, tested and implemented if successful. For me, it seems that the engineers are sticking with the product in its current form. If a car in Australia was performing as badly, it would be back to the drawing board and a fresh new look would be adopted and a new product created showing no problem issues of the past.

    @ DanyDan- I just received an email from my brother and he said he runs MalwareBytes protection with BitDefender Total security without any problems.

  • Dan,

    Did you get my msg? Please check in ur inbox as I have been waiting for ur response, thx,


  • Dan,

    Please check in ur inbox as I too have been waiting for ur response, thanks.


  • HELP!!!!!

    after installing BD i viewed it once.

    next time i turned on the computer it was very very slow. after 45mins!!! the program start up still wasn't completed.

    i have no access to any programs, let along BD.

    giving up i force a shut down, and it takes another 45 min to shut down!


    I have business emails piling up, and can't do nothing to change this predicament.


  • Hello everyone,

    Sorry if my answer my come a little late, however I also have my days off, not online 24/7 on the forum.

    Oracle: still wanna perform that remote session so provide me with: a phone # where I can reach you, convenient hour and date ; regarding the Malwarebytes the question was if he is using it Registered and with the real time protection enabled.

    Bob3232: I have sent you an answer in the other topic that you started. Click HERE

    Stinkypants: your issue is NOT the same as the one described in this topic. Last warning, next time your posting will be disabled for 3 days.

    I hate to repeat myself over and over again: Do NOT post in a topic that is NOT related to your issue.

    It's normal to have issues with BitDefender when you have multiple security solutions installed on the same PC. Uninstall:

    - PC-Doctor 5 for Windows

    - Spybot - Search & Destroy

    - XoftSpy

    - Norton Antivirus (Symantec SCSSDist)

    Restart the PC after each uninstall process. When the above are complete perform a registry clean-up with CCleaner

    Restart the PC again then re-install BitDefender using the link below:

    BitDefender Internet Security 2011:



    TheBigFC: please follow the steps enclosed in THIS post and send me a private message when the logs are fully generated.

  • Oracle: still wanna perform that remote session so provide me with: a phone # where I can reach you, convenient hour and date ; regarding the Malwarebytes the question was if he is using it Registered and with the real time protection enabled.

    Hi DanyDan

    Ok what I have done is taken MalwareBytes and Advance Systemcare off my start up. I have also killed their processes on start up to see if BitDefender will start quicker. Upon startup, BitDefender icon in the systemtray has an apostrophe and it says automatic startup is disabled. This occurs for about 5 minutes and then BitDefender functions normally. I also disabled the startup scan which has helped as well.This has been the case for three days so I will continue to do this until my subscription runs out.

    Regarding remote session, I am questioning whether this is practical. Considering we live in different parts of the world, this may be difficult to coordinate. I am not sure of the appropriateness of leaving a contact phone number like a mobile via PM.

    Also my brother had registered MalwareBytes and uses it with realtime protection- actually both my brothers do.

    Anyway, thanks for the offer and I appreciate your willingness to help. Your assistance on the website in 6 months has been far more than technical support has been in one and a half years through the Bitdefender website. And whilst I still have many reservations about the product, I don't wish to devalue the considerable help and support you give. This forum needs more proactive technicians like yourself to respond to these problems so that the burden isn't one one person to respond.

  • Thanks for the kind words Oracle. It's odd that you have no issues with MalwareBytes RTP and BD RTP. Myself had issues on all 3 PCs I use at work :)

    The remote is practical and can save quite some time in gathering logs, dumps and other info we need to investigate and look deeper into the issue. Also regarding the coordination I would find it rather easy: all we need is the day, the hour (your time), the TeamViewer ID and password.

    I would like to remind everyone posting in this topic: please create a NEW topic and explain the issue you encounter. I will do the necessary arrangements and merge the topics if any duplicates are found. Having a single topic and several users posting answers in it will make things worse as most of the people are not waiting for their resolution, they will try the first workaround I post regardless of who it was for.

    I apologize if I offended any of you, that is not my intention. I am just trying to organize things around here better and more efficiently.

    Have a lovely weekend!

This discussion has been closed.