

  • Hello Cris. I did as you said with the Flash player (I only use IE7) and still no go! All 4 services are running and started. Thank you Niels for your suggestions, but none worked either (I never use 120 dpi for font, always 96)! The Flash player shows no sign of improper font in IE, it works perfectly on all sites using…
  • Thanks Cris, but this did not work either. I already had the newest version of Flash. Both entries are in the registry, and also showing under task manager. What I don't understand is that the Antivirus 10 worked not problem, font were fine, tray icon was showing. IS 2008 works on 2 other PCs I have which also had…
  • oh, OK, that was easy! Thanks.
  • Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes, I have used the Uninstall Tool rather than the one from the Windows Control Panel. Here are some screen shot showing the font and the tray... I've also copied (installed) the fonts from my Vista PC that are not in my XP PC but this didn't fix it.
  • Would be convenient if you tell us which one you DO have, so we dont have to guess... Anyway, I dont think it really matters, you just need to extend the time out limit in your mail client, regardless which one it is. You just have to go through where it is in your mail client. It isn't a mail client anyone knows of. But…
  • Try this click on tools>>email accounts view or change email accouns-next-click change-more settings-advanced-then drag the meter to the maximum level. And see how you go. Thanks but I do not use Outlook or Windows Mail.
  • iNES is one of our internet providers that we work with so there is no problem if the program tries to connect an iNES server or akamai and maybe others. If you really need to be safe and know which of these domains are safe and which aren't I can give you a small list with the servers that are being queried by…
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