Funky Fonts And No Tray Icon!

I just purchased Internet Security 2008 (3 users) and installed on Vista no problem. But on my XP, it seems to work, but, I have no tray icon, and from the program files menu, starting the agent brings the nice look window but the fonts looks like those on an old Mac that are disabled! My XP is all up to date and it was running the Antivirus 10 demo without any problems. Any suggestions?


  • Hi Anlienizer,

    Did you use the Uninstall Tool to remove the previous installation of BitDefender? If you didn't, use it and then reinstall BD IS 2008.

    Do you have any other security software installed on your XP computer?

    If using the Uninstall Tool doesn't help, please post some JPG screenshots of how BD looks.

    I also tested BD IS 2008 on WinXP Pro and had no problems with it.


  • Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes, I have used the Uninstall Tool rather than the one from the Windows Control Panel. Here are some screen shot showing the font and the tray... I've also copied (installed) the fonts from my Vista PC that are not in my XP PC but this didn't fix it.




  • alexcrist
    edited October 2007

    Umm...from what I can see, the text looks like low-quality flash. As you probably noticed, not all text looks bad, only the ones that are on buttons (and, therefore, are animated).

    Try to download the latest FlashPlayer from HERE. Install it, restart your PC and see if anything changes.

    About the Tray icon...check if you have BDAgent in your startup list.

    Start -> Run -> msconfig <Enter> -> Startup. You should find there an entry called BDAgent. If that entry is unchecked, check it. If it is missing, try to make a repair of your BD installation (run the installation kit and choose Repair).

    Also, be sure the IEShow is in the Startup list.

    Post if this solved your problem.


  • Thanks Cris, but this did not work either. I already had the newest version of Flash.

    Both entries are in the registry, and also showing under task manager.

    What I don't understand is that the Antivirus 10 worked not problem, font were fine, tray icon was showing. IS 2008 works on 2 other PCs I have which also had Antivirus 10 before. I've uninstalled in the same way on all 3 PC, and installed in the same way as well!

    Do you have any other suggestions? Do I uninstall, delete any registry entry? Remove files and folders etc?

  • alexcrist
    edited October 2007

    Hi Alienizer,

    About the text issue...I have no idea what could be causing this. The only thing that comes to my mind is Flash, because it looks like it.

    Try to uninstall the FlashPlayer (in Add/Remove Programs, you should find an entry called Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX). Restart your PC, install Flash again, restart again and see if anything changes.

    A small idea: if, by any chance, you're using another browser then Internet Explorer, then it's a high chance that you installed Flash for that browser and Internet Explorer is using an older version (or none). Try to download and install Flash for IE also.

    BDv10 worked fine because it had a completely different interface.

    About the missing icon: open TaskManager and see if BDAgent is running (in the Processes tab). Also, check the BitDefender services: Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative tools -> Services. There should be 4 services with BitDefender in their names, all set on Automatic and started, except for BitDefender Threat Scanner which should be Manual (started or not).


  • Hello Alienizer

    Go to start,right click on my computer choose properties,advanced,performance,settings,see if best display/view (I am using a non-English windows version so it could have a different name). If that isn't the case select it and press on ok. Go also to start,control panel,monitor/screen,settings,advanced,take a look a dpi settings it should be set on 96. Press on apply and ok. If that still fails download this program. Install it and start it press on repair and select repair fonts folder and press on repair now and ok. For your tray icon missing problem take a look here Right click also on a free space and select change "messages" and see if you can find the BitDefender icon and select always show. Take also a look here

    Best regards


  • Hello Cris. I did as you said with the Flash player (I only use IE7) and still no go! All 4 services are running and started.

    Thank you Niels for your suggestions, but none worked either (I never use 120 dpi for font, always 96)!

    The Flash player shows no sign of improper font in IE, it works perfectly on all sites using it.

    What I'll do now I think, is to install IS2008 and try to remove as much reference to it as possible, including the registry, and re-install it. Hopefully this will work (I'll post my result)!

    Thanks everyone for trying to help, I appreciate it. Please let me know if you have more suggestions.