

  • I just bought a 2 yr sub to Bitdefender 2012 Total Security and having this issue.. ironiclly though i installed it last week and been having no issues.. this 2 days ago can log into wow or beta and just keeps booting me out etc... i have done everything including go back to norton 360 atm.. Bitdefender will take some…
  • Hello These are great news. The update will be available for everyone in the next product update. Have a great weekend! Hi, I also have the VLC problem. It's by far better than Media Player. Any ETA on .39 update fix. Many thanks.
  • Ya a clean install which leads to countless hours doing things other than making money or real things that you should be doing over this MISTAKE. Not only that but lost time peeps needed to be on their comps for business/school or whatever might be the case. This should have been VERY easily recognizable had they tested it…
  • Brunt, since I use default settings, I never knew about that delete setting. So drop the attitude. Did I EVER deny there was an major problem? No! Did I ever say anything about the system working as it should? No! But you have to wonder why anyone would allow a program to delete a file without trying to fix it first. But…
  • DannyDan, Thanks for clearing this up, " Yes, if you uninstall / reinstall BD then all quarantined files will be deleted with the uninstall process. " In other words, after bitdefender stops working due to flagging itself as a virus, if you try to re-install, you are recommended by the software to uninstall, then…
  • TheBigPJ, I am just curious as to how many computers you are running that you are not capable of maintaining in any way? That is how you come off with calling an IT guy at 2AM. BTW, how are you guys having BD delete files when no such setting exists that I can find? In regards to windows files being quarantined, they were…
  • Try uninstall BD and go with alternative product. After BD zapped my system, System Repair fortunately worked on my next start-up and I have my machine running again. I dont trust their so-called patches. So right now I'm uninstalling BD and switching to another product like Avast. Software companies always try to downplay…
  • DannyDan, Thanks for the response. I've looked where you suggested. From the screenshot you can see where the shortcuts for various apps are broken. I never uninstalled them, the binaries for them just vanished from my system. These files are not in the "quarantine", I've searched all hard disks for "*quarantine*". After…
  • DanyDan, Thanks for your input. Like many people I'm sure your Sunday afternoon is also spoiled by this issue. Like many others I have had my system compromised by Bitdefender. There are now many topics on this issue; like many other people I am very annoyed with this issue, however, trying to find **solutions** within the…
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