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  • Hello Eves_Montan , Please go to and perform a BitDefender Quick Scan . After that , please save the report and post it here . Thank you . Here is the quick scan you requested /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5325" data-fileid="5325" rel="">Report_2009_07_05_14.02.38.txt
  • I have done what you said and the Bitdefender Communicator is running but still I do not say the activity bar on the screen. I am logged in as Administrator. Sometimes when I log in to the computer as a Guest user the activity bar appears.
  • Thank you very much Neils, I took your advice and the restored the default settings and I can see display activity bar option ticked. However, I am still not seeing the the activity bar. Any suggestions.
  • Thank you, I have just done that and done another scan and the files have been deleted. However, I no longer see the bit defender window display which shows the ongoing protection. It usually appears at the bottom right of the screen.
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