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  • There's been an update released a few minutes ago concerning the issue that was reported at the beginning of this thread. Please allow some time for the mirrors to sync and then update BitDefender. Then please test in order to see if you are still encountering the same issue. Working ! Good job... Now fix all email and…
  • Finally got the entire machine rebuilt. Last step was to reinstall BitDefender 2009. As soon as I rebooted same problem again. Tried shutting down BD and stopping the processes - rebooted - no luck. I was not able to open explorer to see the newer resolutions so I REMOVED BD and all is well. I will wait until BD posts that…
  • SAME FOR ME !!!!!!!! It's not my first BIG problem with BitDefender 2009. Some computers with any Microsoft Outlook version had serious problem I did describe in a old post. (never had reply from bitdefender). The voice in my head don't stop telling me: Get Your Money Back; This compagny is a joke!!! I'm supporting alot of…
  • I have a pretty much related problem on 2 computers about slow email. One is installed with Xp SP2 and windows update disable since long time. I tweaked registery to place My Document and Identity files on a second partition. Since I installed bitdefender, every email I send with medium-large attachements are droping out…
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