Unable To Launch Applications After 27-03-09 Updates With Antivirus 2009 Running
I've had BitDefender Antivirus 2009 installed for 6 weeks now.
I purchased a Licence and have had NO issues what-so-ever with it until last nights updates.
Since Antivirus 2009 performed updates on 27th March after 20:00pm I am unable to launch applications.
Up to this point it's been fine and I've installed nothing new for many many weeks.
If I disable Real-Time Scan then I am able to launch all applications again.
Used Windows XP System Restore and rolled back to 26th March.
Machine works as was and applications open fine even with Real-Time Scan enabled.
As soon as I perform the updates I loose access to application again.
The Updates are the issue.
Can someone offer assistance.
Take a look if u can modify the antivirus settings, move the slide to "Permissive"
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Thanks for the advice.. I'll check and see what happens.
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Hello SaGaiA,
When you say "I am unable to launch applications", do you mean ALL applications, or certain applications? Do you get any errors/alerts (from BitDefender, or from anything else) about those applications?
Can you start TaskManager? If you can, do other applications appear there when you try to open them?
The only thing that comes to my mind that could be blocking applications is the Behavioral Scanner. Try to disable it, and see if anything changes. To do this, open BitDefender interface, change it to Advanced Mode, go to Antivirus and click Scanner settings. There, uncheck the Behavioral scanner checkbox and click OK.
Cris.0 -
I have the same problem. Some apps won't launch at all (IE, Outlook) and others start then as soon as I get a screen display they shut down and will not start again (Excel, CCleaner). I just founf this question so I don't know if its BitDefender or not as I have already started a rebuild of the entire computer
" /> Before the rebuild I could not get Nero or InCD to work to create backups to CD or DVD. Nero would not start and InCD did not recogize any disk in the burner. Hope this helps ID the problem. Yesterday evening this machine was working flawlessley and the only download I am aware of was the BitD update. (BitDefender Antivirus 2009)
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SAME FOR ME !!!!!!!!
It's not my first BIG problem with BitDefender 2009.
Some computers with any Microsoft Outlook version had serious problem I did describe in a old post. (never had reply from bitdefender).
The voice in my head don't stop telling me: Get Your Money Back; This compagny is a joke!!!
I'm supporting alot of computers and I waste alot of time and money to fix problem like that.
Hope they will react fast. No virus protection is not a solution. I already have no email protection... I had to disable it to fix my first problem...
Frustrated customer
Post Edit:
It's officially the Behavioral Scanner...
Real-time protection enable with everything disable except Behavioral Scanner and Microsoft Outlook don't start.
I disable the Behavioral Scanner and Outlook start.0 -
Hello SaGaiA,
When you say "I am unable to launch applications", do you mean ALL applications, or certain applications? Do you get any errors/alerts (from BitDefender, or from anything else) about those applications?
Can you start TaskManager? If you can, do other applications appear there when you try to open them?
The only thing that comes to my mind that could be blocking applications is the Behavioral Scanner. Try to disable it, and see if anything changes. To do this, open BitDefender interface, change it to Advanced Mode, go to Antivirus and click Scanner settings. There, uncheck the Behavioral scanner checkbox and click OK.
Hi Cris,
After disabling the BD Services in the MMC I was able to reboot my machine and get back into Windows. (another problem since these updates, you get to the login screen, attempt to log in and thats it, just your desktop image, Windows makes to attempt to progress from there!!) From there I was able to manually launch the Services again and open BDAV2009.
Applications were closed as soon as you launched them, as per problemchild's post. it was ANY application I tried. Nero, Firefox, IE, even Media Player, All apps launched then closed instantly!
From a previous post I changed the Real-Time protection to Permissive and this then allowed MORE updates to download, 1 set of which disabled AV fully and updated (not seen this before) After this update and another reboot I was still unable to log into Windows so I've had to set the Services to Manual to get back into Windows and Start them manually. At least this way I have AV protection but it's a real pain.
I can outright say its the updates which have caused this because out of sheer luck, I took a full image of my machine to an external drive only that morning whilst everything was fine and has been for months. I re-imaged my machine from this and all is well. not a single issue. As soon as I perform the AV updates.. all goes belly up.
I've contacted Support and they advised I remove Nero
The machines been fine since I built it with only BDAV2009 as the installed AV.. never been a problem!
Anyway, I removed it through the point of trying it and its made no difference.. Not a suprise really but I'm trying.
So, As it stands, I only have Permissive Real-Time Protection and I have to manually start the Services in otder to log into Windows.
Deepjoy" />
Any advice or possible solutions will be tried with thanks.
Andi0 -
SAME FOR ME !!!!!!!!
It's not my first BIG problem with BitDefender 2009.
Some computers with any Microsoft Outlook version had serious problem I did describe in a old post. (never had reply from bitdefender).
The voice in my head don't stop telling me: Get Your Money Back; This compagny is a joke!!!
I'm supporting alot of computers and I waste alot of time and money to fix problem like that.
Hope they will react fast. No virus protection is not a solution. I already have no email protection... I had to disable it to fix my first problem...
Frustrated customer
Post Edit:
It's officially the Behavioral Scanner...
Real-time protection enable with everything disable except Behavioral Scanner and Microsoft Outlook don't start.
I disable the Behavioral Scanner and Outlook start.
Cheers for the edit update F1uiD,
Disabled that and all appears to be well..
Windows Logs in fine and all apps launch witout an issue.
Andi0 -
The latest AV 2009 updates contain a bug that causes erratic behavior in both my wife's Vista machine and my XP Pro machine. It hangs up during boot on my XP or immediately closes Internet Explorer if it does manage to boot and doesn't let my wife boot on her Vista machine at all (Error messages during boot).
I have had to do a system restore on both machines. They work now but I had to turn off the BitDefender AV 2009 automatic updates. Every time I would reboot after the bitdefender update the computer would hang and I would have to do another system restore.
The only workaround is to disable the automatic updates. Bitdefender needs to get it's act together and test their updates before it releases them. Earlier this year they released an update that identified one of the Windows Update files as a virus and deleted it! It took a few days before they corrected that goof.
My third machine is running MacAfee AntiVirus. No problem with that one.0 -
The latest AV 2009 updates contain a bug that causes erratic behavior in both my wife's Vista machine and my XP Pro machine. It hangs up during boot on my XP or immediately closes Internet Explorer if it does manage to boot and doesn't let my wife boot on her Vista machine at all (Error messages during boot).
I have had to do a system restore on both machines. They work now but I had to turn off the BitDefender AV 2009 automatic updates. Every time I would reboot after the bitdefender update the computer would hang and I would have to do another system restore.
The only workaround is to disable the automatic updates. Bitdefender needs to get it's act together and test their updates before it releases them. Earlier this year they released an update that identified one of the Windows Update files as a virus and deleted it! It took a few days before they corrected that goof.
My third machine is running MacAfee AntiVirus. No problem with that one.
Hey netzoid,
Have you tried the below fix provided by helful folks in here. It sould like you have the exact same problem as I've had.
Open BDAV 2009 and switch to advanced view.
Click Antivirus tab on left and click shield at the top.
Click on Scanner Settings and UNTICK Behavioral Scanner.
This sorted it out on both machines here. Both had the very same problem.0 -
Hi at all,
have the same problem on several machines (XP,SP3) since the update on Friday. (see german Post )
Windows did not load the desktop, nor the start-button nor anything else but the background image.
My additional problem is that bitdefender does not save the setting, if B-HAVE is turned off. Whenever the dashboard is quit,
B-HAVE is activated again if the options are reopend.
Are there any suggestions how to save this setting permanently ?
I´ld be very thankful for help, because company computers are issued and tomorrow morning they have to work.0 -
I also had this problem of applications shutting down after March 27 updates.I'm running Vista home premium sp/1.I can comfirm that when I turn off behavioral scanner everything works and when I turn on behavioral scanner apps start crashing.I'm sorry,running Bitdefender 2009 anti-virus.I've used bitdefender for a few years now and had to switch to nod32 for now.It's pretty good,but feel safer with bitdefender.I did do a clean install of bitdefender and everything was fine till I enabled behavioral scanner.Hpoe they get it fixed.
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Finally got the entire machine rebuilt. Last step was to reinstall BitDefender 2009. As soon as I rebooted same problem again. Tried shutting down BD and stopping the processes - rebooted - no luck. I was not able to open explorer to see the newer resolutions so I REMOVED BD and all is well. I will wait until BD posts that they have fixed the issue vs. just a work around. I've invested two days into the rebuild, machine screames alone again but I won't risk it again. This must be the result of some seriously poor testing. For some helpful input though I did see an error message that Outlook coud not start due to an issue with DBWIN_BUFFER. Hope they fix this soon as I don't think the free AVG antivirus is as good as BD (when it works). Luck all.
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Finally got the entire machine rebuilt. Last step was to reinstall BitDefender 2009. As soon as I rebooted same problem again. Tried shutting down BD and stopping the processes - rebooted - no luck. I was not able to open explorer to see the newer resolutions so I REMOVED BD and all is well. I will wait until BD posts that they have fixed the issue vs. just a work around. I've invested two days into the rebuild, machine screames alone again but I won't risk it again. This must be the result of some seriously poor testing. For some helpful input though I did see an error message that Outlook coud not start due to an issue with DBWIN_BUFFER. Hope they fix this soon as I don't think the free AVG antivirus is as good as BD (when it works). Luck all.
Don't you read post ????????????
Open BDAV 2009 and switch to advanced view.
Click Antivirus tab on left and click shield at the top.
Click on Scanner Settings and UNTICK Behavioral Scanner.0 -
Don't you read post ????????????
Open BDAV 2009 and switch to advanced view.
Click Antivirus tab on left and click shield at the top.
Click on Scanner Settings and UNTICK Behavioral Scanner.
F1uiD - I read the all posts but obviously you did not read my post very carefully. Let me reiterate just for you, I don't want a workaround - I want a permanent fix. End of flame.0 -
There's been an update released a few minutes ago concerning the issue that was reported at the beginning of this thread. Please allow some time for the mirrors to sync and then update BitDefender. Then please test in order to see if you are still encountering the same issue.
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There's been an update released a few minutes ago concerning the issue that was reported at the beginning of this thread. Please allow some time for the mirrors to sync and then update BitDefender. Then please test in order to see if you are still encountering the same issue.
Working ! Good job...
Now fix all email and spam filter problem and I will be in heaven.0 -
Yes,everything seems back to normal.Thanks for the help and fast response.Great job Bitdefender
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There's been an update released a few minutes ago concerning the issue that was reported at the beginning of this thread. Please allow some time for the mirrors to sync and then update BitDefender. Then please test in order to see if you are still encountering the same issue.
It's all working properly again.
I'm glad it's working again but it's a shame this issue came up in the first place and I didnt get a response to all my support requests.
Poor" />