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  • Hey there Tierix, just noticed your having problems with this issue now. FYI, my Bitdefender Firewall NDIS 6 Filter Driver is enabled and the startup type is set to system for both my PC's. Also I checked my bdfwfpf.sys after installing the latest Bitdefender ver and it is still set to automatic to load the…
  • Hey there Lucas, glad the automatic setting worked for you also. I haven't had any further problems since switching to the auto setting. I use an Acer desktop with wired DSL service so this doesn't seem to be PC or network card specific but maybe Win7 64 bit specific. Take Care
  • Alright!, glad to hear yours is up and running Prime09. I might have had an interruption in my DSL service at the time of the first testing as now I can also access the net with the bdfwfpf set to automatic and bitdefender loads properly. I don't see why keeping it set to automatic would be a problem so I'm keeping my…
  • How you doing guy, I think your on the right track with the bdwfpf driver being the culprit here. When I changed it's start up type from "system" to "automatic" in the device manager drive tab and reboot it shows the driver working properly and loaded and the firewall and email scanning load in bitdefender. However I can't…
  • So whats the latest Dan, I emailed you an OK to run the teamviewer software and never heard from you that night. Apparently Prime09 on this forum has the exact same problem I do even after a clean install.
  • P.S. I tired two different network adapters, the internal one and an external USB adapter and the problem was the same with both adapters.
  • Prime 09, I've had the exact same problem since I renewed to Bitdefender Total Security 2011 last month and still don't have a fix for this. DanyDan had me uninstall software, uninstall and reinstall Bidefender which I did twice and no change. They had me upload Teamviewer software and are supposed to look at my PC but as…
  • OK, this has really become frustrating. I uninstalled all the software, ran CCleaner, rebooted, ran the BitDefender uninstaller, rebooted, ran CCleaner again, rebooted, installed BitDefender Total Security 64 bit, rebooted and still have the firewall and email antivirus disabled when I boot. No change what so ever.
  • Hey Dan, just wondering if you had any ideas on my firewall/email anti virus disabling on reboot problem. I believe I got the file uploaded properly and the attachment sent to you properly a couple days ago. I've installed the latest Windows 7 64 bit updates as well as the latest Bitdefender updates and done numerous…
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