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  • Hello Have you tried to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 using the standalone installation kit? Also, for the update issue, there is a fix released by Microsoft that will reset Windows Update to default settings. Let me know…
  • And also, i've another problem. I can't install any windows updates from microsoft. i also can't install Windows 7 Service pack 1. The installation of SP1 gets stuck at one point and it just won't go forward, and ultimately i have to restart my PC. All updates were working fine prior to bitdefender installation. After…
  • Heya Christian. Yeah, after reading the topic you've linked me, I've preferred to keep the autorun turned off now on my PC. . Thanks for the reply. Have a nice day.
  • So, i tried uninstalling the bitdefender using this new uninstall tool. And im glad it worked perfectly. No internet isues now after the uninstall. ;-) however, this tool has created another annoying problem. If u'll try installing anyother BD product like Bitdefender internet security etc, after uninstalling ur previnus…
  • Hello everyone All the issues should be solved by using the new uninstall tool posted here and a fresh installation using these instructions: Let me know if you still encounter the same situation after the first…
  • Exactly the same thing happened to me. Tried to uninstall and half way thru computer crashed and when it came back up I had no internet among other things. So I reinstalled my OS. Downloading all the Windows updates takes hours. After this Bitdefender was still buggy so like you I tried it again. Same thing happened. More…
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