

  • hI, Thx Cd-MaN Bd upate cured the problem and all working A1 now Thank You Again Paul
  • Indeed it was a FP (False Positive). Detection should be gone after the next update. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Best regards. Thank you Cd-MaN for the help and information. Do I leave this thread open now or close it? OR wait for the next update and make sure Bd is ok? Cheers Paul
  • Hello Paul It could be a false positiv. Please make a new topic in the malware section. Only a virus researcher can give you an exact answer. Best regards Niels Niels, Thanks for the help will try and start a new thread but have not done it b4 so look out cheers paul
  • Hello Paul13 That is a detection that is used for tools that can be misused. But they are legit. Which program was being moved (placed into quarantaine)? Best regards Niels Hi Niels, The is Kodak EasyShare which i use to print my Dig Photo's cheers Paul
  • Hiya All, Ok can any 1 pls tell me why Bd gives me Application.Generic.2603 Detected after a scan, it will not let me delete it only Quarantine it. Have look on knowage Base but can't find any inform. Am using XP SP2 wit Bd IS2008 lastest. Any1 help pls? Cheers Paul
  • It's Him Again, Blue as to ur last post, yes i now have the A/P up and running and i must addmit it's very good. Paul
  • Hi All, Just a little update for u, I had my 7th email now just, again asking for the same information as the other six. Cheers Paul
  • Jlo, Good luke with ur ticket post, let us know how many emails u get asking for the same information. Be just good to know as u can see i had 6, not sure how many San1 had. San1 maybe they think if they ignore it, it will go away.
  • San1, For some reason i don't think any1 knows wot is going on. I have had 3 Live chats & all promised the same thing. I have uninstalled, Cleanup and rebooted 3 times & i still have the same problem + Know i have another 1 it keeps asking me to update which i do and then reboot & then it's tell's me update is reqiured but…
  • Sorry Blue i disagree if the antiphishing is in a product then it should be working
  • Well I'm wondering if any1 reads these post's cos it seems that Antiphishing is not only a problem with use but by others from different countires if u read thier posts. Like u San1 i've spoke on Live ######. and was told it be sorted out quickly then i had an email to download tools from BD so they could see what s up. By…
  • Hi San1 Did u get the Antiphishing problem sort out because i have the same problem can't get my Antiphishing to work on the ToolBar either I have 32bit Vista
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