

  • Alright, cool. It looks like my problem has been fixed, as vsserv.exe doesn't go past 65,000 K of memory. Thanks a ton for your help, Niels, and everyone else who contributed to the topic. An uninstall, leftover cleaning of Norton and ZoneAlarm, and a clean re-install did the trick!
  • Hi. I, too, had the problem of BitDefender 2008 using too much virtual memory. Occasionally, the usage also peaked sharply. I'm using Internet Security 2008, and I already performed a re-install. I think that it may have fixed the problem; vsserv.exe now peaks at about 63,000 K of virtual memory. Is this normal? What is…
  • It looks like the trojan has crawled into your System Restore file (i.e. System Volume Information). It's a protected Windows folder, and many viruses attach themselves in there so that if you attempt to do a System Restore, the virus will still be there! You need to purge System Restore to get rid of it. It's very simple:…
  • Niels, Thanks very much for your reply, but I've now sorted out the problem . I downloaded a free, on-demand anti-trojan scanner, and then disabled System Restore. Then I went ahead and took a chance and disabled BitDefender real-time protection. The anti-trojan scanner then had no problem removing. A reboot and deep scan…
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