

  • Auto scans are working fine for me in Win 10. I turned them on just to see and I got 2 quicks and a deep in the last 36 hours. They are now turned back off. I have not received any product update however in the last year. When I do a complete uninstall/reinstall auto scans start to work. As stated earlier, the last time…
  • Hi Smirnoff, I never used this free version and I do not know your computer, so I have no full proved solution to bring... (besides I do not know how long my old XP SP3 will fit bitdefender & other softwares .) As i wrote, you could clean your system, however a bit tedious it is, to be sure you run softwares on a stable…
  • Hi Smirnoff, There is a not conclusive thread on the subject... not conclusive thread on the subject I still have W XP SP3 & BD IS 2014 running slowly indeed, but fine. Maybe deinstall BD again, clean the system and reinstall it? deinstall free version clean the system Try a manual deep scan. Regards, L. Virus signatures…
  • I have at last manage to login! WTF! The login page refreshes every 2 seconds and paste doesn't work! I was on the brink to give up and install some other antivirus when it suddenly worked. Well, I'm already seeing some better performance compared with AVG which is the reason I changed... I know this is a free version but…
  • It seems I was mistaken about AntiVir Desktop being part of Bitdefender. I assumed it was because I uninstalled Avira. Apparently Avira no longer provides an uninstall tool as such but the advice is now to run the Avira Registry Cleaner: This removes all registry…
  • Ah, sorry for the double post but I lost the edit for the one above. It does seem that Ccleaner works on the detect and remove method, even if you have removed a program from your computer some remnants of the files (maybe in registry) will be left behind and this is what it is seeing. To remove those files looks to be a…
  • Thank you very much for the (initial) post. I have CCleaner Free version 5.0.5128* (under Windows 8 - 64-bit) and I do not have the entry Applications > Utilities > AntiVir Desktop. Yet I understand how that setting may be there for some* and I will keep this in mind for future updates of CCleaner. Again, thank you for…
  • I am running CCleaner and haven't had the text problems. It does sometimes fail to show the logs and I have to close and reopen the gui. I'll check CCleaner. There is no entry for AntiVir Desktop in my CCleaner. Have you checked under the Applications tab (not Windows which is selected by default). It should be under…
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