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  • Well, i finally canceled my renew subscription last night and got my refund already. Enjoyed the Virus protection,but Firewall was more "meh" than "yeah". Good luck to all of you.
  • So after reinstalling my Firewall (see psot above),today i suddenly lost my internet again. havent had that for a couple month. A restart fixed that. And after browsing a bit,suddenly i get a error from Bitdefender,that it has to restart itself. Few month ago i updated my NIC driver and since then i didnt had any more…
  • Hi! The promotion is indeed for new users, but you can renew your BitDefender directly from the website as well without creating a new online account, it is your choice which link you want to choose. Please proceed with the renewal and register with the new license key when you receive it. We have searched our database for…
  • Had this happen to me today too,first time. No thread of vsserv.exe is runnign on my OS. (VISTA 64). Appreciate any help,thanks.
  • Hello Turrican, If you disable the firewall driver, the firewall will be completely disabled and won't filter any of your traffic. So yes, for the Firewall to be functional, it's critical that you have the driver installed and enabled. Cris. Thank you for the replys. Then let me ask if there is a way to fix the random "no…
  • Hi Did your graphs stop working after you disabled NDIS driver? Are you sure that your BD firewall works, even after NDIS driver is disabled? Hemanth Yes,they normally always work (the big ones int he main menu). Now theres just a big white empty spot. Not 100% sure if my firewall is working. BD says there are no problem…
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