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Firewall Stopped Working Without Giving A Warning.


Last night i noticed,that my bitdefender Firewall is not working.

It showed that its activated,no critical message showed a warning ,windows said firewall is activated and i was able to chagne program rules and it asked for programs to block access or grant it to the internet. Unfortunately whatever the rules were,access to the internet was granted to the programm.

I looked around here and saw other people having problem with their firewall,so i uninstalled Bitdefender Internet security 2009 via safemode,used the uninstall tool and reinstalled it.

During the uninstall,i noticed that the tool gave 2 error mesages at "searching for extra tools"(or somthign similar) and "removing main registry keys". BUt after a restart BD was gone and had no problems with a reinstall. I use Vista 64 btw.

Anyways,after the reinstall,the firewall worked again. But still,i have no idea how long my firewall was not functioning,cause everything sayed and seemed its fine. And that concerns me alot.

So how can i tell if my firewall will die next time,but wont say a word? Is that a known problem and will be fixed? I just renewed my license this week and wouldnt have done it,if i knew about that problem.

Would like to know what will be done about that problem.

THe other thing is that i noticed is,that the graphs in Dashboard (file and network activity) arent working or showing in my window. For month now.

Hope someone can shed some light on these issues i have.



  • So after reinstalling my Firewall (see psot above),today i suddenly lost my internet again. havent had that for a couple month. A restart fixed that.

    And after browsing a bit,suddenly i get a error from Bitdefender,that it has to restart itself.

    Few month ago i updated my NIC driver and since then i didnt had any more internet dropping issues.

    Makes me wonder if the reason i didnt had any problems anymore was,because the new drivers somehow nullified the BD drivers for my network card,and hence made the firewall pretty much useless.


    Thats a few month without a outgoing protection for programs. I must say im not happy right now and thinking about deactivating the Firewall and the driver and just use BD for Viruscanning/detection,which always worked great i have to add and get a seperate Firewall programm. Though i paid for Firewall and Virus scanner,so i should be able to make use and rely on both of them.

  • Well, i finally canceled my renew subscription last night and got my refund already.

    Enjoyed the Virus protection,but Firewall was more "meh" than "yeah".

    Good luck to all of you.


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