

  • Don't know Looks like I will use the uninstall provided on the forum when I do uninstall. No plans to do so yet. But I will make a restore point before I uninstall.
  • It is true that sometimes registration systems can be confusing and frustrating. Some you can go through quickly without an issue. Others can be more complicated and frustrating. You say that the problem of uninstall problems was short lived. I have had Bitdefender for one or two years and updated regularly. My current…
  • BD AV Free will protect you from phishing sites that are linked in emails. It will scan email attachments that are opened. My suggestion is to use BD AV Free with Malwarebytes (MB). MB is very good at detecting malware though it is not advertised as a AV program. If you don't want to buy the pro version of MB you can use…
  • Thanks for the responses. I have discovered how to right click on a Drive and select Scan With Bitfinder. I get an On Demand task. Is that the same as a Full Scan? I get about a third of my files as password protected and they don't scan. Is there some way around that?
    in Full Scan Comment by Walkerjd March 2013
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