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  • Cris, Looking through old logs and comparing all the data I'd gathered in the past - the problem that was causing the memory increase in vsserv.exe was the following. (This was found by using SysInternals Process Explorer & Process Monitor) Process & Thread Activity: Operation: Load Image.....Path: Program…
  • Hi Cris, My BitDefender typically used a small amount of physical memory as yours does (3-5MB). As you see though, it's the virtual memory that creeps up over time. For me it started at 60MB after boot, 140-180MB the next day, 260MB the day after that, and so on. If your average reboot time is every couple days, it's…
  • Odd you're asking on the BitDefender forums, but here are a few things you can do: 1.) Make a list of your credit card #'s and the phone #'s for those companies to quickly call and cancel or report them stolen (best to keep this in a small safe in your home, and not just laying around) 2.) Keep your checking/savings…
  • In terms of real memory usage, when switching between programs (such as using alt-tab), the program that is no longer at the forefront becomes a sort of "background" program to Windows, and Windows will typically shift portions of that programs physical memory use into virtual memory. This is one of the reasons why there…
  • Dear Xavier311, If you have enabled http traffic scanner than it's normal that at that moment when use Internet Explorer that BitDefender is using the page file. With game mode you don't disable protection. Like I said before only firewall protection is lowered down. That is the only risky at using the game mode. The most…
  • To respond to all the comments (this should be fun): Niels (regarding your memory comment) - Having a full working knowledge of computers, registries, etc, I can assure you that any trace of the former Symantec solution was removed completely. Also, I have 2Gb of memory, a 250Gb SATA HDD, and a Pentium D 840 processor on…
  • Couldn't make another edit to my post, but I wanted to make a correction: Corrected statement: "IMO and based on monitoring - it's the anti-virus and not the firewall that's causing VM issues". Now that I think about it though, it's probably a combination of the two and how they interact. Oh heck, I give up.....
  • While cleaning folders, I found a couple great snapshots for you of this issue. These were a part of the main ones I originally based my VM case on back when I first contacted Bitdefender support. Notice the only program opened at the time was Internet Explorer (everything else were background processes), and once again,…
  • Amazing..... I come back to find all these comments, including many from the BD preachers who continue to spout their praise of a flawed program. Just to make some things clear: 1) I did try reinstalling Bitdefender in the past, and it still had the same VM & crashing problems - so no, it wasn't a bad install. Reinstall my…
  • I also wanted to find the best security possible for my computer when I ran across so many rave reviews about the Bitdefender AntiVirus 2008. My question is, how much do you pay for such rave reviews? I would be interested in buying a few for my businessiness! I feel certain that the people who published those reviews…
  • Dear warrentaylor, That report button is only to report for example spam topics or vulgar posts to the moderators so we(=moderators) get notified about that. If it's a real bug that every BitDefender user has? Can you please explain me why I don't have it on all my home computers? Don't misunderstood me it could be an…
  • Lets see, since my topic isn't being replied to in the general forum, maybe someone from the company itself will see this post and be able to help... I've been noticing recently that when an update occurs while I have large programs running (Photoshop, Indesign, or a massive Excel spreadsheet), the update causes the file…
  • Lets see, since my topic isn't being replied to in the general forum, maybe someone from the company itself will see this post and be able to help... I've been noticing recently that when an update occurs while I have large programs running (Photoshop, Indesign, or a massive Excel spreadsheet), the update causes the file…
  • So.......... am I basically just stuck with a POS software program? This is very disturbing...
  • k, when you you guys are done hijacking the thread with a VM discussion.... (just kidding ) I'm very familiar with VM and how to set it, how much to set it, etc. etc. etc. Still doesn't solve the issue of the update itself - which is the issue.
  • ............. chirp chirp..............
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