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  • i have one question, i have bitdefender 2008 and while he is on i am having problems with my internet bank system, can someone tell me if bitdefender works or is it compactible with internet banking system, or i have to enable some exception on bank page... thx in advance Hi khar, I If you are using Internet explorer 6.0…
  • shuold i repalce my antivirus with other antivirus??????? amazing no reply from niels support team ..............i think i am using worng software........... thanks
  • Dear azzu, Your license key needed to be verified if it's a legit one the default way is that you must be connected to the internet. It might be possible to activate offline when you contact live support or call to the phone number and ask them. I can't guarantee if it's possible the reason is that I am a normal user. You…
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